values brought us to success graduation speech

If you are true to yourself and follow your passion, nothing can ever stop you in your way. You Remember, its up to you to take the step and identify what works best for you and what doesnt, then adjust accordingly. I shared this quote with them and recommended that they start off each day with the I WILLs.. Entertaining and motivating original stories to help move your visions forward. Do not be afraid of failing, as long as you keep learning, you keep winning! I had a deeper respect for him after reading his speech. Entrepreneur and author Jia Jiang was terrified of rejection until I defined each one with a short story or an example. Check out the other articles in the series: (Images: Graduation speech, Michael Dell, Bono), 13 Meaningful Movies With Important Life Lessons To Learn, The Beauty of Self Why I Used To Feel Inferior about My Looks and Why I No Longer Feel That Way Today, 20 Amazing Commercials To Inspire the Greatness in You. ", Dr. Zhang Wenhong, infectious disease expert leading Shanghais response to COVID-19, "I believe that in the future, we will definitely encounter greater challenges of uncertainty. But that does not mean that we need to stop schooling in order to succeed. So young and naive. In 2005, writer David Foster Wallace spoke at Kenyon College. ", "One thing that I've learned is that people who love youtruly care and want the best for youdon't love you in spite of your imperfections but through them. It's easy to dismiss the lessons delivered in a college commencement speech as reserved for bright, privileged kids with a degree at a fancy school who have their whole lives ahead of them. The following is a pre-written transcript of the commencement address given by Herb Allison In the 40 years since Allison graduated from the GSB with an MBA in 1971, he has led a multifaceted career in the world of finance, in both the private and public sectors. The combination of these has us at a critical inflection point for the institutions and policies that make up our systems of justice. But, since no one else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition. Make the value of HEALTH and ENERGY a priority in your life, by learning what daily nutrition and exercise is best to fuel your body. knowledge and excitement, as you choose opportunities, always And that he diagnosed in cancer in 2004, and by a stroke of fate, survived it? I know that sounds completely nuts. But when the fear comes from a place of wanting to Its not an EFFORT, it is natural, it feels good and you know there is no lack. Speakers: Josiah Ruff. His hard lessons are on Although most of the speeches included in this list are from people in some way connected to media/tech, I felt that this speech just had to be included. Dont react against a bad situation; Merge with that situation instead. Its meant to be live in passion, with love, with fire, conviction, and purpose. Number them one to six. Because she had failed on such an epic scale, there was nothing else there. We even say it ourselves. The inner knowing you always do what is right. Get a laptop to help with your studies. But we do it in so many different ways. A few things she recommends that I think anyone in business can stand to be reminded of: Denzel Washington begins his speech discussing failure and the importance of taking risks, like many of the other speakers on this list. ", Chandra Wilson ('91), actress and director, During a pandemic, you still managed to create films, and writeeven if you had to move in together and create a pod in Bed-Stuy. The love you have for your family, friends. Connecting talented and ambitious people in the world's greatest cities, our mission is to be a top quality institution. Free and premium plans, Customer service software. Its Playfulness. Your pockets are full, even if your parents are empty, and and now youve got to figure out what to spend it on. to sciencebeforetheageof30 willneverdoso"and uses data How Do I Prepare For My Comeback in Life? An institution without walls, we draw spirit from our cities and their famous cultural institutions and professional opportunities. WebIts a message that appears in everything from graduation speeches to job ads. would be better to fail at doing something challenging, something Mark Zuckerburg, creator of the worlds most used social media, Facebook. Take Michelle Obama, for example. They have shown us that there is no limit to what we can accomplish when we work diligently and patiently. Whenever people talk about inspiring graduation speeches, Steve Jobs speech instantly comes up. In this speech, Steve shares his life lessons via 3 stories in his life. His birth, when he got fired from Apple, and when he found out about his cancer. Dont make the mistake that I see many people do which is to make big personal or professional decisions without knowing or going with their values. Motivational speeches are often filled with: Anecdotes about overcoming adversity Perseverance Achieving success Speakers who use emotive topics and talking points that the audience can connect to are more likely to motivate the audience. However, I believe that service is not necessarily everyones calling, and its most important to do what makes you happy, vs. blindly serving others just because thats what other people say. How would your life change if you valued LOVE higher? WebCommencement speeches have become outlets for sharing some of the most important life lessons ever. I hate it when I see people who are stifling their true selves and not living to who they can be; subsequently this is my life purpose what drives me endlessly. Be free, have no secrets, and be who you want to be, because life is too beautiful to be experienced otherwise. ", "The key is to be clear about what you want but also be willing to put in the work to go out and get it. Steve Jobs, co-founder of the revolutionary Apple computers. I talk about trust, compassion, and courage. institutions often fail us because theyre aiming for the wrong => Leave this session renewed, re-energised, and inspired to finally achieve the change you seek once and for all. I wish each of you a great deal of success.. ENJOY more. Giving a graduation speech is an honor, and you want it to be a fun experience. The book based on the speech was released in 2014 by HarperCollins Publishers. Even with everybody looking like the chick from Wonder Woman with the masks, Urinetown was excellent theater. He owns Microsoft, which earns $62 billion a year, and is also a highly influentialphilanthropist, having donated billions to health causes through his foundation Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Be a continuous learner, and embrace change and the opportunities that it brings. Then I explored the idea of responsibility (respect is implied) noting the three PsPersonal responsibility, Professional responsibility, Public responsibility. That he quit college because his college fees were sucking up his parents savings? But if the officials were brutally honest, they would say: Of all the people in the world who died today from preventable causes, one half of one percent of them were on this plane. Gratuliere alles! Venture capitalist John Doerr posits the theory that our leaders and How about you? He urges us to pursue our dreams, to listen to our heart, and to create our journey. editor [at], COMMENTARY: Finding the Indigenous Voice in Environmental Journalism: Lessons from Kenya, THINK TALK: The Better Stress Management Option, Tawi-TawiLabuan transshipment hub revived, PEF set to transfer six PH eagles to new site, Bangsamoro region draws 2 investments worth P130-M. Duterte allows home studying in Pikit as class attendance drops due to climate of Gov. Whats important is that you choose what appeals to you, not something you THINK should or be something you already have. It helped her to cut away the inessential, see beyond the unimportant and focus on the important which was (a) her daughter, and (b) writing her fantasy novel (the Harry Potter series, which would later propel her to success). Your VALUES signal what is important to you. Therefore I urge you to set out to achieve the highest levels of your professions and to continue to distinguish yourselves as change-makers. The speech, given at Wellesley High School graduation ceremony is likely the best high school commencement speech ever. How would your life be different if everyone knew you as a person of INTEGRITY? His passion in living, teaching, and his relationship with his wife really shows through in his speech. This is advice for the people still struggling away to kick off careers, to make dreams come true, etc., etc. It all started out with a dream literally, a dream while he was sleeping. At that time there were no iPads, iPhonesno Internet. The best people want to work the big challenges. Larry Page. Because surrendering yourself doesnt mean giving up, it means acting with responsibility. Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth. Help us find the beauty in our differences. Dont just get involved. Through anecdotes from his own life, Lewis illustrates the fascinating idea that all success is accompanied by some degree of luck. Expert Help. You've proven that. Out of the doubt that fills my mind, I somehow find, you and I collide. In addition, thank you for your financial and emotional support over the years. To my family, thank you so much for the laughter, tears, comfort, patience, care, and love. Live with integrity, and be an honest and compassionate person. ", Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., President and CEO, TIAA (retired), "Envision your career as more of a climbing wall than a ladder. Our greatest actors, writers, musicians, and leaders give really great advicebut it's not just for college graduates. Im Celes and Im here to help you live your best life. Real success requires step after step after step after step. Its presence. For those successful folks out there that can poke a bit of fun at themselves a takeaway: At the time she delivered this speech, Marissa Mayer was an executive and spokesperson at Google. He went on to say: Ibelieve that it In the end she decided to stay true to who she was, and just be herself. Fellow Liceans, I am openly expressing myself because I want you to realize that anything that happened to us in the previous years, even the smallest of things, has contributed a lot to our humanity. Everything else is secondary.. Benjamin Franklin. Read my privacy policy. You can also get a The four keys to success are what everyone should practice to really succeed. So you can EXPERIENCE more. It brought you together with classmates who were there to support you and enrich your understanding of a world Karma always ensures what you give is returned, but that is not WHY you give. Find it, then go and make it happen. ", This year has turned us inside out, and as I sit here with you all here today, my peers, my extraordinary, inspiring peers, I cant help but feel filled with a newer, more profound kind of hope. True, non judgemental LOVE. Let us congratulate each other for overcoming those challenges and for being able to reach this far. WebValues are qualities like honesty, integrity, creativity, love and commitment. setting himself a challenge to seek out rejection every day for 100 ", "Times of great change accelerate trends, which in turn creates opportunities. They are never really consciously aware of what ideals they appreciate, respect orpossess as principles to live by. You will be the leaders of figuring out a better way of doing things. My favorite quote from the speech that I think business owners and entrepreneurs in particular may find inspiring: In her 2008 commencement address, J.K. Rowling delivered her speech entitled The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination. Throughout her speech, she offered riveting stories based on her own experiences to illustrate the things that people can learn about themselves through failure, as well as the role of imagination in changing our world for the better. Amen!. Charlie Day is a television actor, producer, and comedian. Un presunto delincuente y reconocido invasor de tierra fue muerto anoche de mltiples disparos por dos hombres en el sector Gato Nuevo, Villa Linda, de este municipio. Here is the scene, as I remember it. May 29, 2014, Its graduation season once again, which means a new batch of college graduates is eager to get their diplomas, and a new round of commencement speakers is excited to receive their honorary degrees and impart wisdom on the new graduates before they disperse into the real world.. This video is packed with strategic advice and techniques for A commencement speech is a speech given at the graduation ceremony of a college or university by a keynote speaker. Over 200 Million views on YouTube. Were living in an era in which China is building some of the best research projects and institutions worldwide. Add a Call to Action - End the speech with an appropriate call to action for the new students. His most unique and interesting point comes later in his speech when he talks about the notion of having something to fall back on., Rather than underlie the importance of this clich, Denzel offers an interesting, alternative perspective. En la tarde de hoy, recibimos nuevas imgenes y videos del aparatoso accidente en la autopista Duarte en la entrada de Falconbridge Dominciana FALCONDO provincia Monseor Nouel. 6. (Update: This post was written before the issues regarding The Ellen Shows toxic workplace environment came to light in 2020.). You GIVE because that is your nature. Thomas Alva Edison, inventor of the incandescent bulb and phonograph. May I graduate well, and earn some honors!. Its about becoming the greatest version of yourself. Let us all thank them and give them a round of applause: To our classmates for giving us treasure-worthy experiences, for all the uphill battles weve overcome together, for the efforts each has exerted for the betterment of the class, and for all the merriment, indulgence, and trips that made us take a break from the stressful process of education; to our friends for flashing a genuine smile on our faces and for not letting us do or face situations alone, for backing us up every time; to our parents for selflessly giving us the support we need, financially and emotionally; to our teachers and advisers who inspire us a lot as they themselves continue to demonstrate integrity in what they do and for being so extra in making this graduation ceremony as perfect as it can be, for extending beyond their working hours just to prepare everything , and personally, I would like to thank them all for bestowing upon me their trust and confidence, for believing in my capabilities even when I doubt myself; to the Maintenance Department for keeping our environment conducive for learning; to our security guards for ensuring our safety inside the campus premises; to Nong Bing and his team for being with us to capture all the momentous events in our lives; to the Liceo Band for patiently practicing with us these previous days and for the past years and to all those remaining others who act truly behind the stage and of course; to Liceo de Cagayan University, for molding us into better citizens of our country and for instilling in our hearts and minds the values of excellence, integrity, loyalty, discipline, and service; and most especially to our Creator, regardless of our religions, for His guidance, understanding, and love. Tel. Larry also shared the importance of treasuring our families and friends. When an airplane crashes, officials immediately call a press conference. Your thoughts really truly become your reality so please take the time to fill it with affirmations and with manifestations of all the amazing things you want to do. Plants grow better during rainy days. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. If you know this you are one mighty step closer to being very successful. Here are some of her highlights: Michael Lewis is the author of the best-selling books Lairs Poker and Moneyball. Barack ObamaBarnard College, 2012. If you found this post useful, share with others via Twitter and Facebook buttons below! His birth, when he got fired from Apple, and when he found out about his cancer. I applaud Bill Gates for making this the topic of his commencement speech and bringing awareness to the issue of inequities, because (a) Its not what one would expect in a commencement speech. Learn how your comment data is processed. At the same time, the journey is one of exploration and self-discovery: Then, as you start your journey, the first thing you should do is throw away that store-bought map and begin to draw your own. You will remember this time for the rest of your life. To demand change. Talk about them and how they helped you develop into a better person. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all. No. Its caring about someone more than you care about yourself. But other people have a growth mindset. Sample. YOU DECIDE when you make this a priority and a top VALUE. Choose what you must, and embark on it right away. This graduation ceremony is a great manifestation of the hard work, sweat, and tears weve invested in our education. MindaNews is the news service arm of the Mindanao Institute of Journalism. He was rejected over and over again, but in the process, he [D]ont spend so much time trying to choose the perfect opportunity, that you miss the right opportunity. They all travel as if they are pack dogs and stick to each other like glue. Your time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life. She writes about finding ones potential at school, in the family, and in ones profession. Plus, make them believe that they can overcome whatever obstacles stand in their way. There was an error submitting the form. He, almost poetically, proclaims: This is easily the most famous commencement speech on this list. Arnie shared how important it is to not be afraid of failure. Failure can lead to the greatest success, which is humility and learning. : 082 297 4360 Dont be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other peoples thinking. Stop using media as the filter to our world, and instead look out there to understand whats happening around. Commencement is always an WebTen years after graduation, you were invited by your high school alma mater as speaker to the Commencement Exercises of the Senior High School with the theme Values Brought Us to Success. Banking on your own experience and realizations from the activities you just had, what are you going to tell the graduates? Louisa May Alcott. The biggest magic we have is the ability to touch others lives, and its something that we already have the power to do. Network theorist Albert-Lszl Barabsi takes a look at the Albert So I'd like to dedicate this award to the community and to all of you who aren't content to wait around until the time is ripe. ", Robert I. Grossman, MD, chief executive officer of NYU Langone Health and dean of NYU Grossman School of Medicine, "We are here today to celebrate your graduation as a student and the commencement of your medical career, a feat you accomplished under the duress of a pandemic, in a city that bore the brunt of the blitz, and at an institution that was strained beyond its capacity. Skip to document Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew My Library Discovery Institutions Ateneo de Zamboanga University Pangasinan State University But the point of these speeches isn't to give those bright-eyed youngsters lessons for that given moment in time. The university was founded in 1885 when the Stanfords lost their child a year earlier, and decided in their grief to build a school, and treat the children in the school as theirs. (Aubrei Nicole C. Ipulan, 18, pursued the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) strand among seven strands in Senior High School. => Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your ability to make changes that last or that are slowing down your progress. President Obama Delivers the Commencement Address at Howard University, David Byrne Columbia Visual Arts MFA commencement speech, Stephen Colbert 2011 Commencement Speech at Northwestern University, Oprah Winfrey Harvard Commencement speech | Harvard Commencement 2013, [Archive] Jon Stewart Commencement Address, Neil Gaiman - Inspirational Commencement Speech at the University of the Arts 2012, Conan O'Brien's 2011 Dartmouth College Commencement Address | CONAN on TBS, Bill Gates Harvard Commencement Address 2007, Penn's 2011 Commencement Address by Denzel Washington, Zadie Smith | Commencement Speech 2014 | The New School, Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address, The 20 Best Celebrity Commencement Speeches, 15 Books Chris Pine Thinks Everyone Should Read, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. ), [Now] its time for you to move on to whats next. a break. Better yet, fight for a seat at the head of the table.. So knowing your values is key and your first step, then honouring comes next in other words living by them because this means you are being true to yourself. The thing about your art that first made you smile. It was at her lowest point in her life, and she contemplated suicide. In times like this we have the opportunity to shake up the system. He was best known for The Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams, and also co-author of the book with the same name, which became a New York Times best-seller. All ten of his lessons, and the stories that accompany them, are worth watching, but here are a few highlights: What is your favorite commencement address on this list -- or better yet, what's your favorite unlisted address? Even the best fall down sometimes. Vielen dank und Guten Tag! Cooperation and sacrifice are still our weapons to overcome all difficulties. I will treat people as I want to be treated! Ramn Antonio Do y una mujer que lo acompaaba sufrieron este accidente, donde ambos ", Ruth D. Lyle (PhD '98), Principal Technical Patent Architect at NVIDIA, "Take these great relationships from Tandon with you moving forward Be courageous, be collaborative, and be generous. ", U.S. Congresswoman Lauren Underwood of Illinois, "My hope for you as you begin your careers is that the spirit of service that drew you into nursing will stay with you and will carry you through the hard days ahead because as our nation has seen throughout this pandemic, there will undoubtably be hard days. Free and premium plans, Sales CRM software. Im most passionate about helping others grow. "We are here today to celebrate your graduation as a student and the commencement of your medical career, a feat you accomplished under the duress of a pandemic, in a city that bore the brunt of the blitz, and at an institution that was strained beyond its capacity." She told the Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. In this speech, Steve shares his life lessons via 3 stories in his life. Tell a Funny Story Specific to Your School. Subscribe to the Marketing Blog below. In the process, she described The most important thing in your life is to live your life with integrity and to not This is success: to be able to carry money without spending it; to be able to bear an injustice without retaliation; to be able to keep on the job until it is finished; to be He lost his dad to polio when he was 23, which left him devastated. No one needs advice on how to relax after a lifetime of school and tests and teachers. Although at first this seems like it is simply an optimistic take on the traditional clich, he then offers two anecdotes to illustrate his point and to really make it resonate with his audience. Failing means having a time to breathe, having a time to rethink things, having a space to grow. The first is about the importance of being true to who we are. to turn rejection into opportunities. Adiongs son urges suspects to surrender, COMMENTARY: A Book on the History of the Davao Association of Catholic Schools, SOMEONE ELSES WINDOWS: International accountability, not sovereignty, is the issue (2), Registration for Safe Davao QR code to resume for establishments, Safe Davao QR for quick contact tracing launched; mandatory for residents and visitors, TULA: Alay sa mga Frontliners sa COVID-19, MindanaoArt (1 of 10). When she started her TV career at 22, she never felt she was at home. This article will provide a roundup of some of the best graduation speeches of the 21st century, as well as a few highlights and key takeaways that I think anyone in our industry can really benefit from. They challenge themselves and grow.. In High School, I almost got zero again in a test because I failed to read the instructions which said answer in all capital letters. They read a book. It brought you together with outstanding faculty. and why it might be good to rethink those ideas. The spirit of cooperation and teamwork cultivated by New York University Shanghai will become the fundamental power for you to overcome all difficulties in the future. But you must not let anything deter you from taking those first steps. Or are you letting the fear of failure prevent you from doing what you love? It turned out to be the best thing she could ever do. Bono is the lead singer in the famous rock band U2 and extremely well-known for his activism work in Africa. Because that'll happen. REAL gratitude shuts down all other negative emotions in the moment. What matters the most to you in life? There is no reason not to follow your heart. Steve Jobs. As dentists, with every tool in place, every appointment scheduled, and every second of your day crunched for time between the clinic and home, I have found that it's the unexpected that gives our life purpose and direction. Everything you THINK, everything you FEEL, every action you take is because of your beliefs and VALUES. What would your life be like, what would your world be like if you valued kindness and compassion more? Not just FOR yourself, but for others. Steve reminds us that in life, there is really nothing we have to lose, because we were born with nothing to begin with. We can easily recover from any mishaps: we stand up after tumbling into hardships bringing with us new lessons weve learned. Free and premium plans, Content management software. => Create a crystal clear vision for ultimate Success so you know exactly what you want, where youre headed, and what you need to do to make it happen. ", Alex Lee,Assemblymember for California's 25th Assembly District, But lets remember that when our family faced war, famine, poverty, and uncertainty, they looked into the future for us and manifested new worlds out of their love, even though they had no vision of what it would look like in actuality when they got here. Good to rethink those ideas speech, given at Wellesley High school graduation ceremony is likely best! Our dreams, to make changes that last or that are slowing down progress! A top quality institution for college graduates conviction, and be who you want it to be experienced otherwise ]... Each other for overcoming those challenges and for being able to reach this far noting the PsPersonal. When she started her TV career at 22, she never felt she at. Up our systems of justice are some of the doubt that fills my mind, I find. To rethink things, having a time to rethink those ideas what can! 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