what country is tarshish today

Sometime in the geological past, great fissures occurred in the granite. Elat, M. (1982). It was in other directions that Israel made acquaintance with the activities of the sea. Archealogical research in Cornwall recently identified ancient harbour facilities along with evidence of ancient structures. There seems to have been a special relation between Tarshish and Tyre, as there was at one time between Tartessus and Phoenicians. Thecommodities that came Tarshish are listed above and this gives us a clue as to where Tarshish was located. The name of a place which first comes into notice in the days of Solomon. It was at Ezion-geber near to Eloth on the Red Sea, in the land of Edom which David had conquered, that Solomon built his fleet, "a navy of ships" (1 Kings 9:26-28). Tarshish. Where did the minerals from Tarshish come from? I Kings 10:22; Jer. Magog settled in today's Turkey. This agrees perfectly with the statement of Ibn Hankal, who no doubt reports the opinion of the Arabian geographers, that Phoenicia maintained a direct intercourse with Britain in later ", Phoenician presence in the western Mediterranean, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, "King Solomon's silver? Here, Tarshish is certainly a large island, and cannot be confused with Tarsus (Thompson and Skaggs 2013). Meshech (whose name means "long, tall, or drawn out by force") is the sixth son of Japheth. Genesis 10:1-2. Ancient evidencegoes back to TheHistories byHerodotus who wroteabout 450BC and isknown as the Fatherof Ancient History. The record states: Coincidentally, there is a town named Tharsis 50 kilometres north of Huelva; the th combination, however, is a linguistic curiosity and alien to the Spanish language. For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought lowAnd upon all the ships of Tarshish(Isaiah 2:12-16). There is no restraint any more. Theyoung lions, or offspring,join with Tarshish to challenge theinvasion of Israel by Russia, Iran,Turkey, Libya and Sudan in thelast days. He fixed on "Tarshish" being the site of Kudiramalai, a possible corruption of Thiruketheeswaram.[33][34][35][36][37][38]. : Southern Phoenician hacksilber hoards and the location of Tarshish', "Chabad Tanakh: Rashi's Commentary on Daniel 10:6", "Chapter 9: The Sermon | Moby Dick | Herman Melville | Lit2Go ETC", "Tarshish in the mountains of Lebanon: Attestations of a Biblical place name", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tarshish&oldid=1140310495, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Howl, you ships of Tarshish! Tarshish: Either the UK or Spain, 4. There are three schools of thought where Tarshish is concerned. Ezekiel 38:13 imparts several important clues to the reader. "Boat" in 2 Maccabees 12:3, 6 is for skaphos, and "navy" in 1 Maccabees 1:17; 2 Maccabees 12:9; 14:1 for stolos. Bochart, the 17thcentury French Protestant pastor, suggested in his Phaleg (1646) that Tarshish was the city of Tartessos in southern Spain. Throughout the Bible Tarshish, the word itself used in different contexts, appears many times in the Bible.In the context of the city, however, Tarshish is both the city (or perhaps city-state) where Jonah made a concerted attempt to flee and where Solomon had a trade agreement. They are also associatedwith Sheba and Dedan whosedescendants populated theArabian Peninsula. No other nation in history has created an empire of colonies like the British Empire. In recent years the Spanish people have shown increased interest in their roots and a comic series made reference to Tertessus: Probably more appealing to readers is the recent and highly successful comic series Tartessos. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. Esarhaddon, Aur Babylon E (AsBbE) (=K18096 and E6262 in the British Museum and Istanbul Archaeological Museum, respectively) preserves "All the kings from the lands surrounded by sea from the country Iadanana (Cyprus) and Iaman, as far as Tarsisi (Tarshish) bowed to my feet." 3. Of internal navigation, beyond the fishing-boats on the Sea of Galilee which belong exclusively to the New Testament, the ferry boat on the Jordan (2 Samuel 19:18, `abharah) alone receives notice, and even that is not perfectly clear (the Revised Version margin "convoy," but a "ford" is doubtless meant). It is also interesting to note that one of Javan's sons Tarshish has become what is today modern day Spain. What is Tarshish called today? Javan had four sons of whom Tarshish was the second. The Greeks excelled with colonies in the Black Sea, Asia Minor and around the Mediterranean. The reason for this was not simply the tempestuous character of the weather, but the obscuration of the heavens which prevented observations being taken for the steering of the ship (Acts 27:20).3. The last mine closed in 2004. What is Tarshish called today? The sail had also to serve "for an ensign" (lenes, Ezekiel 27:7). Ezekiel, in 587BC described all of the commodities sold in the market place of Tyre and stated that. Tarsus, city, south-central Turkey. Tarshish in Scripture has young lions or offshoot nations such as colonies. The ships of Tarshish did sing of thee in thy market: and thou wastreplenished, and made very glorious in the midst of the seas (Ezekiel 27:25). [/su_box], Enter your email to receive new articles straight to your Inbox, The Herald of Hope 3, iv. Meshech (also spelled Meshek) and Tubal were sons of Japheth, one of the three sons of Noah who survived the flood with him ( Genesis 10:1-2 ). The Psalmist takes it as a proof of the power of Yahweh that He breaks the ships of Tarshish with an east wind (Psalm 48:7). In the "Blessing of Jacob" and in the "Blessing of Moses" Zebulun and Issachar are so connected (Genesis 49:13 Deuteronomy 33:19); and in Deborah's Song, which is acknowledged to be a very early fragment of Hebrew literature, Dan and Asher are also spoken of as connected with the life and work of the sea (Judges 5:17). 1. It was also a victory of sorts over Britain, for it was her sailing ships that left the coast when the United Nations pronounced the independence of Israel. Tarshish, a port trading in precious metals. They will be the first to bring the redeemednation of Israel back to the landwhen Christ returns (Isaiah 60:9). In regard to tin, the trade of Tarshish in this metal is peculiarly significant, and, taken in conjunction with similarity of name and other circumstances already mentioned, is reasonably conclusive as to its identity with Tartessus. In Luke's writings there are many nautical terms, peculiar to him, used with great exactitude and precision.When Paul had appealed to Caesar and was proceeding to Rome in charge of Julius, the centurion, along with other prisoners, a ship of Adramyttium, a coasting vessel, carried the party from Caesarea along the Syrian coast, northward of Cyprus, past Cilicia and Pamphylia, to Myra of Lycia. A variation on the name, Tarshishi, is found among Arabs of Lebanese descent, and likely indicates a family connection to the Lebanese village Tarshish. The location of Tarshish has been lost to time and has given rise to much discussion. The first century A.D. Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, wrote that it was the same city as Tarsus, in modern day Turkey, which is the Apostle Pauls hometown. Some think there was a Tarshish in the East, on the Indian coast, seeing that " ships of Tarshish" sailed from Ezion-geber, on the Red Sea ( 1 . to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil? This is shown by the nature of the imports with which the fleet returned, which are specified as "gold, silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks ." Daniel 8:22. I. Ships of Tarshish were no doubt ships actually built for the Tarshish trade (2 Chronicles 20:36 Jonah 1:3), but the expression became a general designation for large sea-going vessels to any quarter. Javan as one of the grandsons of Noah born after the flood. 1 Chronicles 7:10 forms part of a genealogy mentioning in passing a Jewish man named Tarshish as a son of a certain Bilhan. Among Neighboring Nations:(1) Egypt.The Egyptians, like other nations of antiquity, had a great horror of the open sea, although they were expert enough in managing their craft upon the Nile. "(b) As regards the crew, in the two-banked Phoenician ship the rowers of the first bank work their oars over the gunwale, and those of the second through portholes lower down, so that each may have free play for his oar. Not only is that name connected with the tribe of Benjamin, but it is the ancient name of a city in southern Spain. Where is Tarshish today? The first century A.D. Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, wrote that it was the same city as Tarsus, in modern day Turkey, which is the Apostle Paul's hometown. Tarshish is thought to be located in modern-day Spain or Portugal. It prospered from trade with the Phoenicians and Carthaginians but was probably destroyed by the latter about 500 bc. The Rio Tinto mine just north of Huelva was first worked by the Phoenicians and still produces copper. "The flag proper," says Davidson (ad loc. Tiras. Reference to the minerals silver, iron, tin, and lead has been linked with Spain since extensive mining has been conducted in the mountains of south-western Spain. In the Book of Proverbs the ideal woman who brings her food from far is like "the merchant ships" (31:14). Thus, since there was such substantial trade with the continent known today as America, "the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof" must include the "young lions" of the United States, along with those of Britain and kindred folk in northern Europe. Herodotus indicated that he had no evidence of the North Sea on the north of Europe. American scholars William F. Albright (18911971) and Frank Moore Cross (19212012) suggested Tarshish was Sardinia because of the discovery of the Nora Stone, whose Phoenician inscription mentions Tarshish. Tarshish was a son of Javan, who settled the area of Southern Greece. Britain and America have strong ties with Arabia (Sheba and Dedan) which is linked to the last days whereas Spain has such no such links. Dedan; Idumeans, or the most easterly parts of Arabia Deserta: by these are noted the eastern nations that assisted, say some. One of them is that the merchants (of Tarshish) are concerned about the motives of the invaders. For it is laid waste, so that there is no house, no entering in. Egyptian ships on the Red Sea about the time of the Exodus, from reliefs of the XIXth Dynasty, had one mast and two yards, and carried also one large square sail. Caesarea in New Testament times was a place of shipping and possessed a harbor which Josephus declared to be greater than the Piraeus, but it was Herodian and more Greek and Roman than Jewish. Ezekiel 27:12 Tarshish was your merchant by reason of the multitude of all kinds of riches; with silver, iron, tin, and lead, they traded for your wares. Again we see that the exact alignment of nations predicted in Ezekiel 38 is in place today. Tarshish and the United Monarchy of Israel. For "ship" The Wisdom of Solomon 5:10 has naus. In the same book the drunkard, because of his unnatural insensibility to danger, is likened to a man "that lieth down in the midst of the sea, or as he that lieth upon the top of a mast" (23:34); and among the inscrutable things of the world the writer includes "the way of a ship in the midst of the sea" (30:19). Tarshish occupied the uttermost parts of the west. SHIPS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT1. Today each is just a shadow of their former selves. In fact, in ancient times, the British Isles were known as the Cassiterides, which means Tin Islands.. The Jewish-Portuguese scholar, politician, statesman and financier Isaac Abarbanel (1437-1508 A.D.) described Tarshish as "the city known in earlier times as Carthage and today called Tunis." One possible identification for many centuries preceding the French scholar Bochart (d. General ReferencesIII. The Bible definitely gives the indication that Tarshish was far away from Israel. (2010). Herein, how far is Tarshish from Joppa? It may be a reminiscence of the sea when Paul in the very earliest of his Epistles (1 Thessalonians 4:16), speaking of the coming of the Lord, says "The Lord himself shall descend from heaven, with a shout" en keleusmati), where the picture is that of the keleustes, giving the time to the rowers on board a ship. If we are in the last daysthen this would point to the UnitedStates since they control the oceanswith the greatest navy in the world. Another clue comes from Ezekiel in the Lamentation for Tyre: Tarshish was your merchant because of your many luxury goods. (3) In Later Times.As Solomon had the cooperation of Hiram in securing material and craftsmen for the building of the first Temple, so Joshua and Zerubbabel by the favor of Cyrus obtained timber from Lebanon, and masons and carpenters from Sidon and Tyre for the building of the second. "Entry for 'TARSHISH'". The metals were reportedly obtained in partnership with King Hiram of Phoenician Tyre (Isaiah23), and fleets of ships from Tarshish. Its one of those words that we often skip over because it seems insignificant or hard to pronounce. Under the ruthless and ambitious King Nebuchadnezzar II, the sprawling settlement in modern-day Iraq grew into a major city as large as Chicago, and boasted towering temples, ornately tiled palaces and imposing city walls thick enough for two chariots to pass . 1st Chronicles 7:6-10 tells of a descendant of Benjamin named Tarshish. The evidence would indicate that Tarshish in ancient times was Great Britain for the following reasons: [su_box title=Conclusion style=bubbles box_color=#e09900 title_color=#000000]We therefore conclude that Britain, as the Tin Isles of ancient times is Tarshish, and that the merchants of Tarshish and the young lions thereof are the offshoots of Britain that will have a major role during the Tribulation period. 5 Things You Should Know about the ESV Bible Translation. The Septuagint, the Vulgate, and the Targum of Jonathan render Tarshish as Carthage, but other biblical commentators as early as 1646 (Samuel Bochart) read it as Tartessos in ancient Hispania (the Iberian Peninsula), near Huelva and Sevilla today. Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? The Merchants of Tarshish. During the winter the vessels were laid up, or remained in the shelter of some suitable haven. Magog settled in today's Turkey. Tarshish (Phoenician: .mw-parser-output .script-phoenician{font-family:"ALPHABETUM Unicode","MPH 2B Damase",Aegean,Code2001,"Noto Sans Phoenician",FreeSans,"Segoe UI Historic",sans-serif} TR, Hebrew: Tar, Greek: , Tharseis) occurs in the Hebrew Bible with several uncertain meanings, most frequently as a place (probably a large city or region) far across the sea from Phoenicia (modern Lebanon) and the Land of Israel. (3) Phoenicia.It was from the Phoenicians that the Mediterranean peoples learned seamanship and skill in navigation. In the Gospels:It is the fishing-boats of the Sea of Galilee which exclusively occupy attention in the Gospels. Again, cedar trees were brought from Lebanon by sea to Joppa, and thence conveyed to Jerusalem (Ezra 3:7).From Joppa Jonah fled to avoid compliance with God's command to go to Nineveh and preach repentance there (Jonah 1:1). However, it seems that one of those metals was not plentiful in Spain and that metal was tin. It was a major center of trade and commerce in the ancient world. Isaiah 23:1 The burden of Tyre. The name Tarshish (or Tharshish according to some translations) is assigned five times in the Bible: The first Tarshish is a son of Javan, son of Japheth, son of Noah (Genesis 10:4). It is from Tyre and Egypt and even Assyria and Babylonia, rather than from their own waters, that the Hebrew prophets and psalmists drew their pictures of seafaring life.II. Thompson, C.M. The main problem is that Tarshish has been used in a variety of ways in the Old Testament. Spain is economically weak and is only a small part of the EU. Elle avait une suite fort nombreuse, et des chameaux portant des aromates, de l'or en grande quantit et des pierres prcieuses. Tarshish was an ancient city located in modern day southern Spain, due north of Gilbratar. For Gog (the antichrist) to lead Magog, Meshech, Tubal, and a broader coalition of what are currently Arab-dominated nations and Persia, against Israel, Persia must submit to Gog. This may be referenced in Psalm48:7 which records "By the east wind you shattered the ships of Tarshish." She is freighted with the most varied cargo, the produce of the lands around, her customers, or as they are called, her traffickers, being Tarshish in the far West, Sheba and Arabia in the South, Haran and Asshur in the East, Javan, which is Greece, and Togarmah, which is Armenia, in the North. [32], Bochart, apart from Spain (see there), also suggested eastern localities for the ports of Ophir and Tarshish during King Solomon's reign, specifically the Tamilakkam continent (present day South India and Northern Ceylon) where the Dravidians were well known for their gold, pearls, ivory and peacock trade. ), (1) A distant port from which silver, iron, tin, lead, ivory, monkeys, and peacocks were brought to Palestine (cf. Tarshish. The word comes from the Greek kassiteros meaning tin. In his great series of Nature-pictures in Psalm 104, the Psalmist finds a place for the sea and ships (104:25;), and in Psalm 107 there is a picture of the storm overtaking them that go down to the sea in ships, and of the deliverance that comes to them when God "bringeth" them into their desired haven" (107:23;). 2 Chronicles 20:37 Then Eliezer the son of Dodavahu of Mareshah prophesied against Jehoshaphat, saying, Because you have joined yourself with Ahaziah, Yahweh has destroyed your works. The fact that a British mining company in the 19th century called it Tharsis is more likely to point to Britain being Tarshish. This page was last edited on 19 February 2023, at 14:00. Ezekiel also, foretelling the overthrow of Egypt, speaks of messengers traveling with the news on swift Nile boats to strike terror into the hearts of the "careless Ethiopians" (30:9). Experts have positioned it as far away as India in the east and the far coast of Spain in the west. Pharaoh-necoh built up a powerful navy to serve him both in commerce and in war.SeePHARAOH-NECOH.Of explicit references to Egyptian ships in the Old Testament there are but few. The Hebrews and the Sea.The Hebrews were a pastoral and agricultural people, and had no inducements to follow a seafaring life. 10:9; Ezek. The boats were probably of a size and build similar to the few employed on the Lake today, which are between 20 and 30 ft. in length and 7 ft. in breadth. [4][10], The editors of the New Oxford Annotated Bible, first published in 1962, suggest that Tarshish is either Sardinia or Tartessos. The Spanish Empire was a dominant world influence in between the late 15th century until the early 19th century. of In the absence of positive proof, we may acquiesce in the statement of Strabo, that the river Baetis (now the Guadalquivir) was formerly called Tartessus, that the city Tartessus was situated between the two arms by which the river flowed into the sea, and that the adjoining country was called Tartessis. In the boat on which Jesus and the disciples were crossing the Lake after the feeding of the 5,000, Jesus was in the stern "asleep on the cushion" (Mark 4:38, the King James Version "a pillow"; Greek proskephalaion, "headrest"). When God sent Jonah as a missionary to the capital, Nineveh, the prophet balked. The Spanish Empire was a dominant world influence in between the late 15th century until the early 19th century. The early colonizing nations were the Phonecians and the Greeks. Oil is transacted in US dollars. 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