nikita's gift persimmon tree forum

American, Asian and Hybrid persimmon varieties. Do you know could there any difference in the NG that Cliff offers versus Raintree, One Green World, or Burnt Ridge? Well, does anyone else battle the Japanese and June beetles on these trees? We ship our seeds & plants to all 50 states. I like Saijo, an astringent-'til-ripe kaki. I have no helpful advice to give - except to say - Ive heard multiple reports that Rosseyanka does better around here. For milky spores, need to follow the instruction on how to spread them around. The American persimmon is the focus here. Latin Name:Diospyros virginiana x kaki And for a great price! SPRING SHIPPING: To mitigate the stress on our plants during transit, we will only be shipping Monday thru Wednesday. that finally has some height, maybe bloom next year. The Nikita fruit turns orange and then starts to soften, the orange gets a slight purple tinge around the stem end when it is perfect for eating. Strawberry Tree (1) Gift Certificates (1) Herbs (15) Alliums . Im wondering if anyone has potted persimmons in zone 5? Because pollen from native trees could result in seedless fruit formation of poor quality when native seedlings are used as pollinizers in commercial production of American persimmon, ploidy level of seedlings needs to be considered. The bright reddish-orange fruit is about 3" wide and somewhat flattened on top. Evidently some varieties drop fruit (or produce less of it) without fertilization. Hi Ram, i look forward to your review on Rojo brillante next year! They are drier than the Nakitas Gift. We graft the Giombo persimmon onto native American persimmon . If you grew those in Seattle area, you are the pawpaw king! Has a unique spicy-sweet flavor that instantly evokes images of cinnamon pastry, hot coffee and morning sunshine. Both of our varieties crack open when they fall off the tree and quickly become ant food. More like an Asian persimmon (it is an AmericanXAsian hybrid), so 12 to 15 feet or so. Nikitas Gift Persimmon Tree Out of Stock This product is currently not in stock. Zones: 6-9. At least in past Lotus seemingly has been used alot on west coast trees and Virginiana by eastern nursery. However, I need to protect the Asian persimmons like a fig tree every winter. The tree is early to start growth in the spring and is sometimes injured by freezing temperatures. It had only a handful of flowers, and fruits, this year. I hope they did good for you. They dont even bother peaches or apples much. Because the ranges overlap, cross-pollination may cause sexual incompatibility, resulting in pollination without fertilization, and therefore seedless fruits of poor quality. Nikita's Gift Persimmon. Please add it to your wishlist to be notified when it's available. Match Match any word Match all words Match phrase. On root stock you could expect to find it grafted on D. Lotus, D. Virginiana or on D. Kaki. They have a lot of american and Asian varieties. Nikitas Gift Hybrid Persimmon #30887 Questions? Maybe its warmer in town. Fall foliage is a gorgeous, vivid orange color. Thank you for your nice comments. It regrew new ones and all was well although no flowers. We shipyour plants using FedEx Ground the following business day after you have completed checkout. Nikita's Gift will begin bearing 2-3 years after planting. Ive been watering adequately, pounded in some fertilizer spikes, and it gets adequate sun. Persimmon scionwood is generally available from mid November through the end of February. I intend to order another Nikita for planting next spring. I Protected them the same way with the Nikita's Gift. Do it right is needed, I believe. They were slightly purple. The flavor is candy sweet and possesses nuances of baking spices, raisins and brown sugar. They said Saijo was the only Asian Persimmon that ripens at their nursery in Morton WA. Yates already finished producing. So no pollinator would be best. Astringent fruits must be overly ripe to achieve sweetness and edibility. A non-astringent variety that can be eaten while still firm. The next one was slightly softer and only slightly astringent, still crunchy, and sweeter and more juicy. When I (later) brought to his attention Lee Reich's book, on the point of some cultivars being self-pollinating, he allowed that might be the case.In any event, last year I planted what I've come to believe to be a self-fertile American Persimmons by the name of Szukis (yes, a Lee Reich recommendation). I'll know when to pick next year. Plants were clearly in a smaller container and recently transplanted to the larger one. I planted it immediately - and have a green thumb. Nikita's Gift is not 50/50 it's 75 Kaki/25 Virginiana It's seed mother Rosseyanka is 50/50 crossed back to Kaki. We are not sure if these are Yates or Prok. Do they have to be mushy to be ripe? Persimmon trees need about 40 inches of water every year. 6-7 ft. $12.00. These trees are rather slow-growing and it can take seven to 10 years for them to be fruit-bearing. Cliff England has had it down to -17 with no injury. You could try to graft a female variety onto a male persimmon at say 10 feet or so, but it is rather experimental, as it may break off. The Nakita's Gift Persimmon Trees fruit is about 3 inches long with a rather flat shape. This astringent variety is considered the largest and best cooking quality persimmon. The tree is two years old (from bare root) but I moved it to this spot this April so it has a set back. This is the first year it has produced anything to speak of. It does have numerous buds but they arent growing. Meader - per foot $5.00 Nishimura Wase - per foot $5.00. Part of the question has to be, do you want one tree, and do you know how to graft? I'm trying this out, but I wonder if I'm providing a large enough pot. Ripens about the same time as Chocolate & about three weeks to one month earlier than Fuyu. But once you get past the transplant hurdle, the persimmon tree is a fantastic addition to your yard and you can harvest your first crop . My new trees of Chocolate (Tsurunoko) and Coffee Cake (Nishimura Wase) are on D. virgiana, but all I can say so far is they survived this summer. Nikita's gift is a large persimmons like a japanese Fuyu, actually it is a hybrid between a Fuyu and a native. Large fruit, and for whatever reason the birds seem to be leaving it alone.Think you might want to consider aronia, if you're looking for an easy care, very nutritious fruit.Consider wineberries for the shaded areas? I suppose now is the time to apply it while the eggs are hatching? USDA ZONES: Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9More Information: Persimmon Growing Guide. It is a little extra care but the final product is all worth it (Kaki in zone 5). Ive been hesitant to get Chocolate because of the seeds. -Aldo Leopold, Standing on the shoulders of giants. I bought a Nikitas gift last year in the spring it never leafed out but the branches still bent so protected it in case it would this year this spring the branches broke when bent. it died RIP..6A. Nikita's Gift Persimmon Trees are cold hardy and grow from Zone 5 all the way down to Zone 10. How do you like yours? Ive been looking into Milky Spore. You might want to join Persimmonworld on facebook, if anyone has grown an Asian Persimmon tree in a pot its someone in that group. There were a few seeds that were very thin and probably sterile. I also have a 4 yrs old Nikita's Gift growing about five feet on the south size of my house for winter protection and it has about 100 baby fuits on it right now. Hardy, small tree at 12' in height. Parthenocarpy in the Caucasian persimmon is the norm, not the entire crop on all trees, but some part. Plant persimmon trees in full sun to partial shade and in moist, well-drained soil. I picked the first one when it was just a little softer than hard. The trees from Raintree were larger than those from Burnt Ridge both in terms of height and caliper, likely accounting for the price difference. Prok is a little like a scorn shape. Nikita certainly has a lot of fans. Quantity. I planted a Nikita's Gift a few years ago that wilted and died a few months after planting in the spring, it didn't even make it to its first winter. I will probably get a Nikita's gift in the ground spring 2018. I am new to this forum, but it looks very professional to me. I'll pick the second one at a softer stage and the third one even softer. Sign up for exclusive offers, plant puns, original stories, and more. Hexaploid (60-chromosome) varieties require a pollinator. Fruit Skin: Reddish-orange How warm outside to plant fig cuttings directly in-ground. 4 Another western WA nursery that has N Gift is Raintree nursery. This astringent persimmon produces flattish, red-orange fruit that is 2 inches which ripens in mid to late October. This is true in my friends yard, too. Does height=fruit? I wonder if rootstocks change things too. Beautiful colors. One of the top plant introductions to date, Nikitas Gift is a Ukrainian cross of American persimmon and Asian persimmon created at Nikita Botanic Garden in Yalta, Ukraine. Hopefully I can protect the trees long enough for them to grow large enough to endure the beetles without much care?? Pretty clean leaves. Naturally compact trees, Asian Persimmons rarely exceed 12ft. If not I could stick in with the other stuff going out next week. And I'm planning for a few additional Americans. It's gonna be hard to harvest from a 50 foot tree. It was slower getting established. I've had fruit in 3-4 years on potted persimmon, but also, I usually remove all flowers in earlier years and focus on building a good structure. Native cultivars include Nikita's Gift ( a native cross with Asian) and Magic Fountain. Grafts grew about 5 feet! Holds well on the tree - I have to pull or cut the fruit from the branches. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -. Nurseries around areas always sold out Nikitas gift persimmon. NG has a more spreading habit, compared to Saijo and Yates. Fruit ripens late October - November. The 'Hachiya' has been dried in Japan for markets of delicious dried persimmon fruit. I actually prefer the better American astringent persimmons to the Nikita's on flavor and texture, but I, My Nikita's Gift is setting it's first crop, 24 very hard, pink-orange fruits. Ripens in October & reaches roughly 12-15 tall. I hate to say it, but I have had zero motivation to get out in the yard and do all the things that need doing. Many thanks! Fruits, Nuts, Blueberries, Backyard Orchards and Gardens,, I could not get to that area to water this year, and the fruits are smaller than last year. On root stock you could expect to find it grafted on D. Lotus, D. Virginiana or on D. Kaki. I have 4 non-astringent Asian Persimmons. If you are anything like me then you are probably feeling sick and tired of this cold, wet weather. Pollination Requirements: Self-fertile I hope your theory is correct and it will produce fruit next year, being so tall and all:). The rest have been about as soft as a ripe peach, mushy and sweet. so being put in a box for a few days tends to upset her. Saijo is considered by some to be the best flavored. $29.99 - $135.00. "There are some who can live without wild things, and some who cannot." If your grafts take and are interested, maybe we can exchange some scions this winter. Add the bypass destination information to the template file. Dehydrating them takes the bitter away. If you do, try to keep it or prune it as the central leader so it will be less likely to be dropped by the tree.John SPDX OR. It also has spectacular fall foliage color. Check out other Fruit Trees HERE! Not as sanguine on their prospect, given the humidity of the area, but thought would be worth a try.I have a Li jujube which is doing well, but think perhaps I should have gone with the Lang, as I understand that dries better? Seattle Figs 702 subscribers fire crystal vs Nikita's gift soft persimmon fire crystal had a stringy texture Nikita gift tasted better of the two neither of these has flavor and texture. How large a pot are you having success with? The other has fruited for a few years now. Mine really took off this summer, so hopefully more trees will fruit next year. Bloom Time:June Try this link. Im hoping I dont have to build a protective tent over these trees every year into perpetuity. Thank you. $0.00. Tree will grow more than 15 feet. Persimmon Tree (Izu) $ 69.99 - $ 89.99; Persimmon Tree (Saijo) Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 29.99 - $ 74.99; Persimmon Tree (Sweet Fuyu) $ 39.99 - $ 189.99; Product Category. It regrew new ones and all was well although no flowers. Houseplants are here and ship for free. The taste was great but no texture. I just set it out this spring. Im very happy to hear this too. There are many varieties that will survive Z5 but possibly not ripen there if the season is too short. Im experiencing the same. Is it something that will be of less concern as they get older and larger? All times are GMT-5. I think in many ways, the home orchardist is the Research Center for growing these less typical fruits in the home orchard, especially in less typical climates. When do to you pick them? It was a very hot dry summer, I did not water them at all. Weve eaten persimmons already. Oh well, the Li has plenty of fruit, and fresh works for me.There's an autumn olive I noticed while pedaling my bike to the Acme on Elkton Road that I'm coveting. Even Rosseyanka that I planted in June is looking like its going to put on new growth. But I know both from reading and personal experience that an all-female Prok (American) will produce seedless fruit -- and lots of it. Doesn't need a pollinizer. AtPlant Me Greenwe handle, package and ship the products you order with the utmost care. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. If you like American Persimmons with bigger fruits and a nice taste are Prok and Yates. USDA Hardiness Zones: 7-9 Chill Hours: - Deciduous/Evergreen: Deciduous Plant Type: Perennial Pollinator: Self-Fertile Blooming Season: Spring Not sure if it would make it here, although I did stumble across an entry in an old Garden Web from a fellow who lived in z5 and wrapped similar to how many do fig trees and his survives fine. This exciting new Persimmon hybrid Nikita's Gift is a cross between an American Persimmon variety (virginiana) and the Japanese Persimmon variety (kaki) and it gives us a wonderful fruit tree that is hardy to Zone 5. How long has she been in the ground and any fruit yet? I have both varieties and just this year we got enough Nikita fruit to notice that they ripen almost the same, the American fruit turns purplish when ready to eat and goes "mushy" the day after the color change from orange to purple. The Native Persimmon (downloadable ebook reprint of 1915 USDA bulletin), Hybrid seeds in my Nikita's Gift persimmons, Some thoughts on the occasion of harvesting my first-ever peach. and bought that one too. Rootstock: American Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) A guy I know out here grew it for years but it literally "broke" and died. Andean Tubers (3) . Very interesting! I dont know if it has worked very well or not as Ive heard it works better in a warmer climate. Wanting to do everything in the northern lower pennisula of Michigan, Fruit Trees and Berries that Grow Best in Your Area Naturally- Continental Climate Hardiness Zone 4. Im pretty excited about these trees and check on them quite a bit. Probably a seedling of Great Wall, it is very hardy. Im 6b. It's a nice persimmon, not a great persimmon - just one that's widely propagated and distributed by a number of nurseries. The Japanese or Oriental Persimmon is a native Asian plant that has been in cultivation for many centuries. NEW COLLECTION! Click Here to Bulk Purchase. This is about the 5th year for this tree, 3rd year for bearing fruit. parfait,I responded to your query added on to a running discussion at the Edible Landscaping forum; don't know if you saw that or not.Here 'tis again: The original name for Nikita's Gift is Nikitiskaya Bordovaya(NB), or which loosely translated, means burgundy of Nikita Gardens.It is a daughter of Rosseyanka(D.virginianaXkaki hybrid, aka Russian Beauty) back-crossed to kaki - so, it is 3/4 D.kaki.I've grafted Nikita's Gift a couple of times, but it hasn't survived here - should be OK here in southern KY, and for you in a z6/7 setting, but I think my scionwood was damaged, which may account for failures here; it sustains significant winter damage at Terre Haute, IN.NB's parent, Rosseyanka, in my orchard, is very late maturing, and mostly seedless(despite native males and at least one kaki that produces some staminate flowers) - but can be peeled, sliced and dried while still firm - and loses its astringency in the process; or, you can leave them on the tree until fully ripe. Nikita's Gift tastes more like Asian persimmon. It started a little slow, but seems to be hanging in there, so I have my hopes. The rosseyanka and nikitas gift I planted in the ground but removed them before our cold spell. Now, in my night-time check Ill find maybe 2 on it, so Im making some progress, but there isnt a leaf left on it that hasnt been chewed on. Tree probably stunted with gravelly soil and is watered throughout summer. So far this year they have already grown that much since being in my greenhouse for 3 weeks already. My Early Golden has been a sickly tree and has never even flowered despite being more than 13 years old. Persimmon Trees - Nikita's Gift (Astringent) Customer Reviews L 09/07/2022 Lisa Hensleyss Terrible Plants were clearly in a smaller container and recently transplanted to the larger one. Scionwood is generally available from mid November through the end of February i suppose now is first! 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