meps psych consult process

It does not belong to any particular service division. The only service that might consider waiver is the Army. My OR said he has dealt with a few people that cleared the physical and then got DQ'd when the paperwork from it was sent in and reviewed, but I am sure that is rare and you will probably have no issues (or at worst have to wait on a waiver or two). Ask for a letter stating the length of time they worked with you. I had a catheter device inserted under my skin by my my rib cage to put the medicine thru. The recruiting officer has pointed out the many mistakes or bad judgement calls he makes. Preparing for MEPS should be like preparing for a job interview. When scheduling your MEPS appointment you will be provided with an approximate time that you will be swearing in. I suppose my question is what is the most likely outcome of this waiver. Eat dead, burnt bodies! I have had no run ins with the law, no drug usage, no dependants, and no tattoos or piercings other than regular ear lobe piercings for regular earrings. What you say influences what else they ask and what the ultimate disposition of your case is. A Navy recruiting blog that delves into the military enlistment process and benefits of service. Even if we were, we are not the doctors that are familiar with your personal medical concern or condition. An Hinglish word (Hindi/English). How important are grades as a freshman? I have a telemedicine appointment with my old therapist from a few years ago set for tomorrow but Im not sure what to request or if theyll even do that sort of thing. a. The minimum BMI is 19 with a BMI of 17.5 or less being temporarily disqualifying. For some tests, such as blood pressure, you could be asked to see a private health care professional to get separate readings and potential evaluation on why it is high. Note 2: The advice and prognostications delivered in the comments by NavyDoc are based on his years of experience as a MEPS Chief Medical Officer, and he is only able take into account the information you provide, so for a more definitive response, ensure you are thorough with the description of your issue(s). However, they are only generally allowed in the waiting area and are not allowed in any testing area. Self-harm is a reason to disqualify and the standard normally is to do that. When I asked my recruiter, what does it say on my MEPS papers, if I was considered disqualified temp or permanent, he said I wasnt disqualified at all. The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) is a set of large-scale surveys of families and individuals, their medical providers, and employers across the United States. Some of the physical will be covered during the medical briefing, and the rest will be completed by a provider. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. IN GENERAL, yes, asthma, ADD/ADHD, eczema, history of depression and anxiety, and some allergies are disqualifying. There's a reason it takes 12 years to become a psychiatrist. You will be asked on items such as previous medical history, procedures and drug use. That will give you m idea of what is going on. I know my chances are basically 0 with a history of mental illness but Id really appreciate your input. For general enquiries and course availability information call 0208 314 3300. V/R If you have been psychologically or physically dependent upon drugs or alcohol, recruiting personnel may request a Commander, Navy Recruiting Command eligibility determination when the pre-service dependency has been resolved in such a way that there is little likelihood that such behavior will recur. Required fields are marked *. Psychological evaluations are a fairly common part of the clearance investigation process. You will learn of any conditions that will require you to bring supporting medical documentation when you go MEPS and any that are disqualifying. Im fit as fiddle. A structured treatment milieu and 24-hour medical and skilled nursing care, daily medical evaluation and management, (including The doc did allow me to continue with the MEPS process which was doing the duck walk, various other exercises, which I passed btw. Does this mean addressing to a crowd? Thank you for all your help! Is there a limit? At this time you have signed your contract and agreed to serve your country. Is there anything I can do for being disqualified after a psych consult for not showin? Deltoid muscle _____ 2. Not meeting height requirements for your branch of service will result in a permanent disqualification. Doc, Applicants are encouraged to make use of AHRQ'S Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) or the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). Press J to jump to the feed. At age 23 I had a depression/anxiety diagnosis and did treatment (zoloft and therapy), got well and am really doing fine there probably because I got a decent job and some of that life stuff squared away. Everything was good until the doc saw one of my tattoos and said it was self harm scars. Jumpin up and down with me, and we was both jumpin up and down, yellin. IMPRESSION (on ultrasound report): Stable bilateral subcentimeter cystic nodules in the inferior pole of the right and left lobes of the thyroid. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. HCUP is a family of health care databases and related software tools and products developed through a Federal-State-Industry partnership. Thank you, sir! If you wear contacts or glasses, bring them with you as well as a copy of your prescription. MEPS is used to ensure that you can meet those demands without causing harm to yourself or to others. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Questions about joining the US Air Force, whether enlisting or commissioning, should be posted here, instead of /r/airforce. There are various ways to fail MEPS and differing repercussions. The MEPS Medical Questionnaire (DD-2807) will be submitted to MEPS and will be used to determine whether or not we will be able to push forward with your application. 2. What they ask depends on what you say. KILL! Nearly a decade ago, in an effort to reduce applicant waiting time (which often times extended three months or more), CNRC added to the staff a medical department. My recruiter is great with information but he has not been able to give me expectations for this. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Administrative Hold ("N" Status) Process 9-8 58 . His blood pressure is 108/78 and his pulse was 78. The doctor told me to get a full topography but ive recently had one in june can i just send my medical records of my vision? KILL! Anybody had any experience talking to a MEPS psychiatrist? The military has very little tolerance for positive drug tests, and if it comes back positive, you can kiss your chances of joining any branch goodbye. The doctor will then send his recommendation to MEPS where you will be reviewed further. Would that be PQD? Candidates who pass the exams can enlist in their chosen branch of the armed forces at MEPS and ship out to basic training. Projection Process 9-3 54 . Thank you to anyone who knows what Im taking about. If you dont try then you wont go anywhere. BTW, Im fairly sure they do a urinalysis test with a screening level of 50 nanograms per milliliter. No self harm. You will receive a RJ (Return Justified) date with 4 calendar days for every 1 pound you are over. He does have an enlarged thyroid, due to Hashimotos thyroiditis. But, also implies that there is some sort of tension between him and the superior officer at the recruiting office. Females are also required to take a pregnancy test at MEPS. Ordered by The Committee of the Ce My son is applying for 3 service academies (Army, Navy, Air Force) as well as ROTC for each of these 3 branches in order to achieve his dream of becoming an officer in the armed forces. My recruiter wants that in for but hospital disposed of that info. Calculate the pH of a solution of 0.157 M pyridine. I recently had surgery to get a plate removed from my wrist and had a tendon transferred from my right ring finger to my right thumb FPL tendon, due to it rupturing and the muscle not being in good shape. I have a temporary VA rating for service-connected depression as the result of a Military Sexual Trauma, and a rating for spondylolisthesis (now asymptomatic). Your employment history or school attendance subsequent to rehabilitation is favorable, and. During this process it will be determined if applicants meet the medical standards for behavioral health. Inpatient Psychiatric): Most intensive level of psychiatric treatment used to stabilize individuals with an acute, worsening, destabilizing, or sudden onset psychiatric condition with a short and severe duration. He looked at my arm and he said to go to the liaison and try to get a waiver. During said physical, if the MEPS doctor disqualified you for having major depression, then the service (Navy) pays for the psych consult. NavyDoc, A copy of the survey instrument used to collect the information on this file is available on the MEPS Website: MEPS is the most complete source of data on the cost and use of health care and health insurance coverage. investigation of psychological conditions A "yes" response to the "Mental and Emotional Health" question on the S-86 indicates that additional information beyond the required dates of treatment and identification of the health care provider is needed to make a final security clearance determination. Which I did and the liaison explained to me the paperwork that I have to give to my recruiter who is supposed to then send it in as a request for the waiver. Please be sure you get adequate rest beforehand since it might be a long day and make sure you eat breakfast. What they ask depends on what you say. Perhaps, a person needs intensive treatment for cancer or elective surgery to . This will require you to be viewed in your under garments. This process includes a Medical Pre-screen of Medical History Report. This day should not be taken lightly, but following this guide you can ensure you are properly prepared. What do they do at consult and what happens after this. They are conducted in almost all continental states. He would like to continue on the Levoxyl 50 ug daily. Tsylor, We told them he had ashma as a kid and took us down this long road. The concern is that under the kinds of stress service members endure. Each individual branch has standards to which individuals must meet. Yes, he could have "forgotten" some of what he or you may think are insignificant issues, but to a flight surgeon one of those may be a precursor to something else like an underlying condition that could be a safety of flight issue down the road. These tests include reading color numbers on plates and results in a simple pass or fail. Arrival at MEPS. Be prepared to be there for the entire day into late evening. PsychConsult Provider is an enterprise application designed to meet the needs of behavioral health and substance abuse providers. I don't know how willing they are to give waivers. I have only smoked a handful of times in my life and it just happens to be a month ago, but I can wait. Women will complete physicals separate from men, and in private. What is the process now. view of the process of consultation, including (a) an introduction to consultation as a distinct professional practice; (b) consultation within the competency- based framework, which provides a blueprint for practice; (c) law and ethics in consul-tation; (d) an orientation to HSP and the role of consultation; (e) inter professional You dont get a second chance to lie to the military. Temporary disqualifications are not reviewed for medical waivers. To prepare for MEPS, gather medical history information prior to heading to to the station. Each record represents one medical condition reported I was just kidding!". This is not their first go-around with an applicant with a mental health history. As suggested, I asked my recruiter for a copy of my 2808. I was then further questioned about these markings, which i unfortunately could give no answer to the story behind them and was redirected to the doctor who then took a look at them. Thyroid blood levels are within normal limits. My recruiter has never heard of such a thing, and is debating if its worth trying to pass. Feb 21, 2020. If the MEPS PDQd you based on the medical documents submitted, MEPS will not allow you to process further CNRC N3M must direct MEPS to provide a physical only if they feel a waiver is possible. Hello NavyDoc! If the individual has not taken the ASVAB prior to attending MEPS they will complete the test before completing the medical screening portion. Addendum: The patient contacted me on March 20. The latter propose that neither the left-right cleavage nor . I want to kill! Just be honest and up front. This is a process a person goes through after they have gone through the medical screening to join the army. But I finally have been able to get a scheduled psych consult with MEPS. I value integrity, you're looking at a guy who has a waiver for being honest about a past mistake. Female recruits: the physical exam takes place in a private room with a female attendant, and a drape or gown is provided. Ive heard getting an eval from a doctor before going can better your odds. Your recruiter should have blueprinted you before submitting your application and pushed you through MEPS before, we can do this. Now, Im trying to commission in the Air Force or Army and I want to know if I can if the cardiomegaly is no longer exists? Questions lead to answers which lead to other questions which lead to other answers. All recruits complete a medical questionnaire and undergo an evaluation that includes height and weight measurements, hearing and vision exams, urine and blood tests, and drug and alcohol tests. Does anyone know what to expect in this consult or how I should dress since it is an outside sourced doctor that MEPS scheduled me with? Once you complete all testing, and are deemed qualified for service, you will meet with an representative from your branch of service. Thank you for responding sir! That said, diagnosed ADHD would require a waiver and if you are treated by any stimulants, you will need to be off of them for a year before you can join. !, Military Life and Issues, 8 replies Optometrist so expensive! Copyright 2023 My situation was a little different. I graduated with a 4.0, scored a 93 on the asvab. Primary consult concern. You dont get to be the doc doing the psych evals at the MEPS because youre easy to fool. But the psych consult could also be that I was on Ritalin as a child (ages 7-9) or my traffic violations because I have 5 from years 2007-2010. Also I scored really high on the mock ASVAB at army career center. Jul 10, 2013. It took a long time but DODMERB did grant me a waiver for Rhabdomyolysis in the end, and I was able to go to OCS and pass my flight physical. In summary, your MEPS visit does not have to be something you dread. I touch a bit more on the MEPS Eye Consult Process in depth, and . It can take anywhere from 6-8 hours to two days, although that is not as common. Submit a current cardiology exam, including EKG and echocardiogram for review. The role of the C-L psychiatrist is to help the primary team organize their . This recruiting office is not inspiring and the people Ive spoken to seem to be lazy and have contradictory, tedious responses to what seem to be very simple questions or requests. or any grade? Theyre your method of getting into MEPS and into the military. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Anything was opened to me. The ways in which military selection procedures are implemented, have been influenced by two important kinds of involvements. Excellent vision until then. Some mental disorders an evaluation may help diagnose include: Depression and mood disorders. Better to admit "yeah, I was wrong" than say "what?! I went through MEPS and passed my physical. And military psychiatrists are pretty good at figuring out whos full of manure. The Army and Navy denied it. This is NOT an official United States Navy or government web site. He had no symptoms of thyroid dysfunction. You must also bring your USMEPCOM Form 680-3A-E, request for examination. You are allowed to provide this time to your family so they can be present when you swear in. Just be honest with your recruiter and go through the process. This test is sometimes taken in High Schools or prior to attending MEPS. A complete physical will be done on all individuals. Although I agree, this does sound odd, I truly was never aware of these marks or the circumstances of which I recieved them, and have no story to them, and was completely unaware of their existence until the woman in the exam room pointed them out and had me squish up my arm to be able to view them. Eating disorders. Using data gathered from the news media and 11 interviews, it reconstructs the policy-making process, finding that this was shaped by means of intergovernmental interactions between executives of (groups of) member states. I am physically fit and can duck walk all day thanks to 13 years of football. United States Military Entrance Processing Command (USMEPCOM) took that challenge head . He has remained on thyroid pills, he is currently on Levoxyl 50 ug daily. Any. Recruits will also receive thorough examinations of the heart, spine, and urinary . said it's keratosis pilaris and won't affect my military service but meps still wanted me to come back for a consult so, I went to there dermatologist. Sent me down the hall, said Youre our boy. If the waiver is granted, you'll be cleared to return to MEPS. Grades are always important. First of all, the approval of a medical waiver is the responsibility of the Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (CNRC). Is the fact that he was given a consult a hood sign? But what about the other branches? So I may need two waivers to join. Kenry, I have a history of thyroid nodules and wanted to run a recent thyroid ultrasound from the past year by you since thyroid nodules can medically disqualify an individual. This has been going on for about a week Every time I try to watch a video on Youtube from my laptop I get instantly redirected to "" This supposedly takes between six weeks and three months mine took a full three months. Military Selection and Psychological Testing Today - Military psychology can be described as the study of behavior of people working within the Armed Forces' context. Im not suicidal or have ever been. I was on house arrest and just released from jail and visited the Dr. for dealing with anxiety/panic attacks. An Ortho-Neuro evaluation will be completed to test your balance. Wait until you start working with a recruiter. Learn more about the process at MEPS, including where it's conducted, what happens there, and details on the medical evaluation and testing. 1,2 It is important to recognize that an unclear consult question may be a sign of the primary team's knowledge gap in psychiatry. Jason. You will be provided with stations to place personal items while you are performing testing, these are not always secure locations. Answer (1 of 5): I can't say. This screening process tests individuals in varying ways, verifying applicants can meet the demands indicated in each job. It wasn't a big deal as he was a professional and so am I. Showing ownership of past actions without having guilt or remorse is huge. During this process an applicants aptitude will be tested and individuals will learn which jobs they qualify for. First off, I have some suggestions for what to bring to a Consult, regardless of what type. Im not worried about failing the psych evaluation because I have no history of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, etc. You raise your right hand and repeat the Oath after the Officer. I smoked marijuana a month ago (or technically vaped) with someone I met while travelling. But service academies and ROTC programs have their choice of fully qualified applicants, and those not fully qualified ar3e rarely selected. Josh. Just found out I may have to go to MEPS in several weeks. You have successfully abstained from drugs and alcohol for more than two years, b. The list is comparable to the other branches of the military. Meps disqualified me for prior adhd but allowed me to physical. I want to see, Blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth! where can i find red bird vienna sausage? Just putting this out there because MEPS giving the okay does not mean absolutely you will have no issues because the final determination is left up to the Navy (IIRC my OR and processor called it the Officer of Medicine). In addition, they told me that I was scheduled to take the DLAB. As of January 30, 2012, N3M is still known as N3M, but is listed as N33 in the organizational chart. Best for . Its not him to determine. Well, I got the references and paperwork to my recruiter last week and for some reason they seem to be stalling with sending my paperwork in. I had the interview, which went well also. It also depends on how prepared you are and if you have taken your ASVAB test prior to attending MEPS. My recruiters boss doesnt think its worth the resources. The Marine in the office said he understands the situation and believes me because I havent given him reason not to, and told me he would call my recruiter and give him the next steps of the waiver process and the next course of action to begin to move forward from this. Do you think any of these entities will offer a waiver (assuming they want him) after he is DQ in the DODMERB process? Your MEPS physical must include a psychiatric consultation. It's a psychiatric evaluation. Sometimes it could be . That cost us 600. Learn more about MEPS. Can I use this word like this: The addressal by the C.E.O. After it was healed my follow up went well & I had a full range of motion & no pain. Everyone's medical situation is different. If the MEPS PDQd you during the physical then N3M may direct further testing via consultation, or make a final recommendation to the Admiral for approval or disapproval without further medical tests. Thank you. I want to serve for my country. I am looking for some insight on what to expect in the future. My question is how many conditions can one attempt to waiver? The fact that it wasnt an outright no is promising. I got results back from BUMED and they are not going to deny the waiver, howevever they have requested I have a psych consult done showing I am of sound mind, and once that document is submitted my waiver approved. You can attempt to apply for a waiver in this case. Its your career. I am a prior-service Marine (honorable discharge in 2014) interested in joining the Army. Now one eye is perfect and the other corrected to 20/20. Privacy Policy. Date of Visit: 3/15/2019 Also, I have lots of visible incision scars there so I feel like the docs at MEPS will make a big deal about it. Hearing tests (Audiogram) will be completed, testing for normal hearing limits. gerontology, psych. They pay for it. (Consults can be for all sorts of situations, skin, bones, psych, etc.). Talking about joining navy. Requested DD 2808, hope to have it soon. My son has been waiting over a year to get this far. I have confirmed with my recruiter that no where on any paperwork from MEPS am I listed as disqualified, temp or permanently. I am not sure how it works with MEPS vs the physical I had at the branch clinic at NASP, but they said I was good to go and given PQ (by a NAMI flight surgeon no less), but after my processor uploaded my physical to whoever gives final approval on that stuff, they came back a couple days later saying I needed a waiver for retained hardware (which was being recommended and not an issue) as well as one for PRK which also should not be a problem but was held up because I had to wait a week before my 6 month wait was up to get my last followup. , temp or permanently personal medical concern or condition and pushed you through MEPS before, we are the. Takes between six weeks and three months a doctor before going can better your odds individual branch has to. Doesnt think its worth trying to pass had any experience talking to a MEPS?... Numbers on plates and results in a permanent disqualification you go MEPS and into the enlistment. 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