how did william wirt winchester die

Therefore, in describing the dynamics of space, a new, higher dimensional model was required. In fact, the cube consists of six, inverse pyramids, all pointing inward toward its center. Since this point is the point in the series at which there is no further change in the, growth constant, this would seem to be a reasonable basis for taking 13 periods as, the maximum number of periods by which a reference point and a structuring, point can be separated in order to constitute a coherent waveThere are other, approaches as well that arrive at the number 13 as defining the limit of a coherent, structure. But why six? Moreover, she has employed a brilliant device in the Shakespearean Windows to drive home the connection between Shakespeare, Hiram Abiff, Francis Bacon and herself. Winchester Mystery House. Architects and contractors began building an eight-bedroom house that quickly morphed into a seven-story complex. It is interesting that Wikipedia makes particular note of Enoch Pardee having been a prominent occultist. Most likely the occult reference has to do with the fact that both Enoch and his son George were members of the highly secretive and mysterious ( California based) Bohemian Club which was an offshoot of Yales Skull and Bones Society. Though she was reclusive, she was never alone. 13, 31, 22, 112, 211, or 1111. Moreover, the House has 47 chimneys. John Hansen, the mustachioed Winchester mansion foreman played by Angus Sampson, was another real person. And, of course 13, or any variant of 13, multiplied by 444 will always result in 777. William Wirt Winchester was the treasurer of the Winchester Repeating Firearms Company until his untimely death in 1881. One architectural device Sarah used to illustrate her view of the relationship between the numbers 11 and 56 is her arrangement of the decorative wooden posts that align the exterior railings of the two, third floor balconies above the front porch of the House. In the center of each window we see the Glass of Bacons muse, the goddess Pallas Athena. Moreover, when she included her middle initial (L), the numbers in Sarahs name then added up to 54 which, when reversed (i.e. It is prominently displayed at the top of a 13 step staircase. In showing us 9 sets of the number 13, she has forced us to multiply. For a start, the front of the House, like Solomons Temple, faces true east. As we saw with the wrought iron gates in front of the House, Sarah displays two, eight petaled daisies. And, second, it is, unquestionably, one of natures finest examples of the hidden unifying symmetry of the number 13. Born in 1840 in New Haven, Connecticut, Sarah Lockwood Pardee married William Wirt Winchester, son of Oliver Winchester, manufacturer of one of the very first repeating rifles, at age 22. [1], Last edited on 15 February 2023, at 16:17, President of Winchester Repeating Arms Company,, This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 16:17. As we shall see, the anomalous features throughout Mrs. Winchesters mansion are a testament to the profound impact higher dimensional geometry had on its design. But when trying to get a room count, the new owners kept coming up with different numbers. His father was the founder of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company and William, as his only son, would inherit it once he passed away. Here, Sarah has ingeniously incorporated her spider-web design into the architecture as a calculating device functioning both as an instructional tool that shows how her algorithm works, and as a model revealing the fundamental, symmetric structure of the universe. Moreover, there is absolutely no factual basis to support the idea that Sarah ever used the so-called Sance Room for the purpose of conducting sances. This unique backdrop to Sarahs early development played a crucial role which, in essence, defined what would become her lifes work. The staircase to the left has 7 stairs while the one on the right has 11 stairs. The late Cal Tech physicist Richard Feynman said You can recognize truth by its beauty and simplicitybecause the truth always turns out to be simpler than you thought.. Her work was sponsored by the author Nathaniel Hawthorne and was later supported by the likes of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Mark Twain. Tuberculosis The riddle lay with the worthy ascendant realizing that there is an invisible 13th step that could only be crossed once the door had been opened for him by a divine source from within. Using the Pythagorean Table is a simple matter of matching the letters in a name or word with their corresponding numbers, then adding the numbers together until you have one, simplified number. Which begs the question who was in charge of whom? And, why would spirits have an inability or need to keep track of time? Then, we see the triangles all sharing a 13th piece within the circle. Like Bacon, Sarah uses encryption code to guide us to higher levels of insight. Sarah is exhorting us to rearrange the order of the partitions. Young Sarahs most distinguishing characteristic was that she was everything but ordinary. During a sance with Coons, Sarah was told that because of the many people who had been slain by the Winchester Rifle, she was cursed by the Winchester fortune. One of Francis Bacons many achievements in the field of encryption are his various cipher techniques. Properly aligned Center Window Panes showing the Hourglass. William Wirt Winchester/Cause of death Damage to the Winchester house was severe, with the top three stories of the then-seven story tower collapsing. CLICK HERE if you are having trouble viewing the video on your mobile device. Mary, on the other hand, may have been a little wary at first, but she came to work with Ketch. Also, 13 and 31 possess the unique quality of generating (reverse) palindromic twins when they are squared, i.e. It is not known if Sarah and Escher ever met. And, if someone were to try to describe cubes, spheres and pyramids to us, we would tell them they were crazy. Higher dimensions consist of a unique set of super-mechanics that transcend the limited, box-like structure of length, width, and height. In addition to her writing, Delia Bacon gave numerous public lectures to the citizens of New Haven; thus, New Haven, Connecticut was the actual birthplace of the Bacon is Shakespeare doctrine. The mansion and its grounds are gorgeous examples of Victorian architecture and there are a lot of strange and interesting design elements. The top and bottom panes properly rearranged showing Sarahs Tubal-Cain Symbols. He learned the truth about Marys past. In 1880, Oliver Fisher Winchester died, leaving the succession of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company to his only son. These stunning symmetries derived from the application of the dynamic trio of Winchester prime numbers reveals an underlying unified principle that indicates a transcendental, higher truth is at work. We may well ask what value does higher dimensional mathematics have for us? Thus, 13 is the most coherent, unifying number in the Fibonacci series. The greatest test for the initiate lies in his ability to understand and identify Mrs. Winchesters remarkable mix of symbols and numbered code. Furthermore, her knowledge of the classics (most notably Homer and Shakespeare) along with a remarkable talent as a musician was well noticed. William Wirt Winchester (June 22, 1837 - March 7, 1881) was the treasurer of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, a position he held until his death in 1881.. Family. Thompson (1824-1907) theorized the existence of Vortex Atoms. These are not atoms in the ordinary sense, but rather behave like tiny, sub-atomic whirlpools, resonating and stretching in various modes of symmetry in a vast higher dimensional foam or ether. 67 54, which, when combined also renders 121. But, she has done something unexpected. The bedrooms south facing windows overlook a beautiful lawn and garden. Another crucial element Escher and Sarah Winchester shared was their understanding of the unifying nature of the mathematical symmetry which forms the basis for all higher dimensional structure. Unfortunately for Sarah, fortune came with a dark side. The E stands for Exceptional, while the 8, of course, refers to the eighth ordinal point (occupied by the number 13) in the Fibonacci sequence. Furthermore, in addition to the number 111, Sarah adopted the Kabbalistic number 777 as a code number representing the name William Wirt Winchesterwe know this because, in the decade following Williams death, she maintained precisely 777 shares of stock in the Winchester Repeating Arms Company. Then, the process of completing the four triangles renders four sets of the number 13, resulting in 52, which then simplifies to the number 7. Sadly, Sarah and William's infant daughter, Annie, died from a mysterious childhood disease in 1866. Like Bacon, Sarahs use of numbers always leads us to a deeper core of meaning. But then, where are we to find such a book? Escher also saw the reflective images in mirrors as true representations of higher dimensional space. Although Freemasonry has traditionally barred women from its membership, there are numerous documented cases in which some head-strong women have gained admittance into liberal, Masonic Lodges as far back as the 18th Century. He is best remembered for the manufacturing and marketing the Winchester repeating rifle, which gained the reputation as "the gun that won the West." He began his business career as a clothing manufacturer in New York City, New York and New Haven, Connecticut. Now that weve had at look at the superficial significance of the Shakespearean windows, lets analyze the matter more deeply. The daisy was special to Sarah for two essential reasons. Then, 169 (13 squared) x 71,148 = 12024012. In both the Rosicrucian and Masonic traditions, the Hourglass is emblematic of human life. Furthermore, the realignment of these two panes gives us the words THE TABLES OF THOUGHTS PEOPLE. It is no coincidence that these particular words, thus rearranged, now add up (in the Pythagorean Cipher) to the number 111. The ordinal numbers in the sequence are: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ad infinitum. William took over the company in 1880 but died from tuberculosis the next year. So, her middle name, Lockwood adds up to 25, which then simplifies to 7. Sarah issued many bizarre demands to her builders, including the building of trap doors, secret passages, a skylight in the floor, spider web windows, and staircases that led to nowhere. When William Winchester died in 1881, his wife, Sarah, was left with a legacy of epic proportions. They are not discoveries. After the death of her husband, William Wirt Winchester, of tuberculosis in 1881, Sarah decided to leave the East Coast to be with family. Sarah Winchester (Dame Helen Mirren) is the widow of famed gun manufacturer William Wirt Winchester. Courtesy of the History Museums of San Jose. After Marys death John went to a psychic named Missouri Moseley. Born in 1840 in New Haven, Connecticut, Sarah Lockwood Pardee married William Wirt Winchester, son of Oliver Winchester, manufacturer of one of the very first repeating rifles, at age 22. We are also reminded of the image of Francis Bacon (in Whitneys Book of Emblems) stamping at the serpent with a similar staff. From its inception, Yale (and New Haven) was a hub of progressive, Freemasonic-Rosicrucian thinking and activity. Henry was a member of the Men of Letters, who intended to induct John into the order when he was old enough. We havent forgotten the Baconian stops Sarah has incorporated in the Shakespearean inscriptions. 11. Husband of Sarah Lockwood Winchester (Pardee) Johnston, Masonry Defined A Liberal Masonic Education, published by NATIONAL MASONIC PRESS, Inc., Shreveport, Louisiana, 1930. For example, 52 x 88 = 4,576. The better sort,. He struggled and struggled to free Mrs. Winchester. Moreover, two numbers are always multiplied by each other, leaving a product that is then partitioned, and the partitioned numbers are then added together resulting in a sum. The book, of course, was Through the Looking Glassa fitting title, considering the glass or mirror had been regarded as a portal to higher dimensions since Dee and Bacons time. No one had understood the underlying dynamics of the universe better than Francis Bacon who viewed nature as a model of the universe based on a set of fundamental rules and laws immanent from the outset in its ratio, order, structure, measure and corresponding symmetries. As to Richard II, Sarah identifies with the irony of Richard as an imprisoned, lonely king. William Wirt Winchester was born in Baltimore, MD on July 22, 1837. The Winchester House has 13 bathrooms. By the time Sarah Pardee was born, Francis Bacons modern scientific method had exploded into a virtual catalogue of new, revolutionary theories of the intricate workings of the universe. Heres a look at what they got right, what was made up and what lives somewhere in the gray area between truth and myth. You would be unable to cross over a line. Winchester: The True Ghost Story Behind Helen Mirrens Haunted House Thriller. She named her two sons after her deceased parents, Samuel and Deanna. He was married to Sarah Winchester, and they were together until William's death on March 7, 1881 in New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut. Mrs. Winchester regarded everyone who stepped onto her property as a prospective initiate. Sarahs insertion of daisies in the center of the two Sun symbols on the front, wrought iron gates are important because the daisy represents the two essential qualities of the initiate: Innocence and Fidelity. Unquestionably, she is talking to us in a numbered code. In fairness to the management of the WMH, they try to present Mrs. Winchester in a positive light. Likewise, she would also have found inspiration in the Freemasonic symbology and the mysterious structure (including a staircase that leads nowhere) of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland . As we shall further see, Sarah had every reason to identify with Bacon, philosophically, artistically and spiritually. When Sarah first met William Wirt Winchester, she would have found his numbers to be nothing short of miraculous. This rational system of numbers is known as the Fibonacci sequence. She was heir to half the Winchester Repeating Arms Co. following the death of her husband, William Wirt Winchester, in 1881. Others speculate Sarah was coping with her grief with a flurry of activity, or that she was simply "crazy." With that in mind, let us begin the initiates journey down the path that Sarah laid out. At the outset of each Masonic Degree the initiate (Candidate) expresses his wish to receive Light. The length of the, hypotenuse drawn from this point to Stonehenge is 12.368. The architect theme shows up in virtually everything he produced. However these stops are shaped like small arrowheads pointing to the partitions above. The room is an attic space that has been boarded up since Winchester died in 1922. However, the Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton formulated a system in which the symmetries governing wave function in four dimensional space can be revealed. E (8) x E (8). Voila, one, dynamic level of the symmetry is revealed. And it's said that each night, she visited the Sance Room to speak with the spirits, who weighed in on plans for the house's unusual design. In fact, some of Bacons engravings show him holding books with CLASPS. Sarah clearly uses this device to exemplify Bacons coded message in Psalm 46 of the King James Bible. The couple only had one child named Annie, who died of a disease that leads to severe malnutrition. For reasons I will soon make clear, we know with certainty that young Sarah followed Bacons example. Having received more than twenty million dollars in inheritance, Winchester convinces herself she is cursed by the ghosts of those who died at the . Even her will had 13 parts, and she signed it 13 times. However, their approach to higher dimensional expression is remarkably similar. She had 50% ownership of the company and was set for life. Soon after Williams arrival, the Winchesters moved to New Haven where the enterprising Oliver, along with his partner John Davies, founded a successful clothing manufacturing company. America s Most Haunted Places tops the list of TV shows that grossly reinforces the Folklore. Unfortunately, due to an infantile decease known as Marasmus (a severe form of malnutrition due to the bodys inability to metabolize proteins), Annie died 40 days later. She became convinced that she was cursed. As Sarah and Escher saw, the beauty of higher dimensional numbers lies in their simplicity and symmetry. As we shall see, simplicity and symmetry are inter-related. The image in the mirror above the fireplace was a reflection of the rooms 13 globe chandelier. Moreover, the Sun symbol is the insignia of the Senior Deacon of a Masonic Lodge. Few photographs exist of her. It has 44 tiny steps. This serves the practical purpose of being far from the distraction of outside noise. For those who would choose the first option, go ahead and walk awaymany other people have already preceded you! She told her sons that she needed to hunt alone for a while, but she hunted with Ketch. But Marion, whose nickname was Daisy, left before 1906 when the film is set to marry Frederick Marriott (no relation to the hotel people). The next thing Sarah wants us to notice is that the web contains 49 separate pieces of glass. For example, we recall that Sarah displays the number 49 (7 squared), along with the number 777 in her bedroom ceiling. There are three spider-web rings flowing outward from the circle like concentric waves in a pond. September 5, 1922 The evidence shows that Sarah made use of an algorithmic system in which her trio of symmetric prime numbers produce amazing results. Sarah and William had one daughter, Annie Pardee Winchester, who was born on June 15, 1866 and died on July 25, 1866 of marasmus . M.C. And, we recall that the number 777 also corresponds to the name William (34) Wirt (25) Winchester (52). In 1857, . Source: Gun Company Owner Additionally, the number 55 (Pythagorean Cipher) matches the name Hiram Abiff. For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for William Wirt Winchester . For all Masonic initiates (Candidates), these are the first features they will pass through when entering the Lodge room. William married Sarah Lockwood Pardee on September 30, 1862. The fascinating mansion is still owned by the family (families?) As we shall see, there is a unique relationship between the numbers 7, 11, and 13. Sarah was also among the first to make use of a showerand elevators, two driven by hydraulics, and a third by electricity. Despite the fact that Sarah Winchester was extremely secretive about herself, nearly all of what the public thinks it knows about her reads like a mish-mash of gossip out The National Enquirer. I refer to this body of misinformation as The Folklore. Indeed, on one of my many research visits to the Winchester Mystery House, a senior tour guide informed me that in the old days, the tour guides were encouraged to make up stuff just to give some spice to the story.. Its tantamount to inserting the term Winchester goose (77) inside of the name Winchester (52). Entering the Ballroom, we notice a beautiful parquet floor with light and dark squares bearing a striking resemblance to the checkered mosaic floors of Masonic lodge rooms. Moreover, Sarah has added a novel twist to her Tubal-Cain devise by joining two of them in such a way as to form the number 3. Thus, the House has stood for decades waiting patiently for the inheritorthe enlightened initiate who is capable of completing the puzzle! There is a staircase that leads nowhere, abruptly halting at the ceiling. Still a mystery. She soon drew the attention of a young man from New Haven named William Wirt Winchester. A prominent occultist inception, Yale ( and new Haven named William Wirt Winchester the. Describing the dynamics of space, a new, higher dimensional model required! Higher dimensions consist of a disease that leads nowhere, abruptly halting at top. 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