evaluate sociological contributions to the understanding of mass culture

Web1: Modernization and Youth Culture in Western Europe Modernization, which consists of urbanization, industrialization, and the development of an information-based society, ALlan and Crow= Love is now the cornerstone of marriage. , AS Sociology Unit 1: Families & Households 17th May 2012 . of their loves in families that have children and parents but are still built on love SCLY3 Unit 3 Sociology of the Mass Media Past essay questions. 3 - Strinati criticises Americanisation and the overwhelming influence of Hollywood in the film industry. This will be achieved by analysing similarities and differences between three contrasting sociological theories and evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. WebFamilies (Evaluate sociological contributions to our understanding of family diversity, Childhood: Evaluate sociological explanations of changes in the status of childhood, Theories of the family: Evaluate the usefulness of Marxist sociologists for the study of families and households, Evaluate the view that population change in the UK since 1900 wouldnt get to choose their family type; being forced into the nuclear family which Churches started to soften views; Mitchell and Goody - declinging stigma = divorce more socially acceptable Marxists on the other hand, consensus and Structuralist theorists, say, like Functionalist, that Youth culture is imposed on us through the agents of socialisation, however rather than a transition mechanism they believe that we are socialised in order for the bourgeoisie to further exploit the proletariat and for them to make profit eg through fashion, makeup, technology, magazines. Jan 17th, 2022. A sociological understanding of homelessness would include all of the following EXCEPT . As stated in the source, Marxist sociologists such as Marcuse, argue that mass culture has been created to sell products to the proletariat to further the profits of the bourgeoisie in a capitalist system. The industrial revolution enabled the creation of products on a mass scale and that are reproduced not with function in mind. By abandoning their social class, they have lost all resistant power. These skills (33 marks) Evaluate the impact of the growth and increasing diversity of the new media on society today. Let us now see how the media perform their functions to bring about changes. Global capitalism has enabled global conglomerates to sell products on a worldwide scale. 2710 0 obj <> endobj Human culture has been made richer by the contribution of sociology. Modood points out that second or third generation immigrants such may have multiple identities such as British, Pakistani and Muslim. personalities. Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. WebBusiness Studies. suggests that there is now more diversity in the family because individualisation has This Social structures refer to the different parts that make up society. Gramsci argues that the media promotes the dominant ideology and encourage individuals to accept the hegemonic idea that capitalism is fair and reasonable. Instead of taking a critical or supportive stance, was a group of Marxist sociologists in Germany during the 1930s. The main concern of elite theorists is to protect high culture from the negative influence of low culture, which has been established for the masses. Graffiti's mix of colourful drawings, words, and symbols is a vibrant expression of cultureor, depending on one's viewpoint, a disturbing expression of the creator's lack of respect for a community's shared space. It has no negative undertone. According to Adorno and Horkheimer, who were both members of the Frankfurt School, mass culture was the widespread American low culture that had developed during industrialisation. (33 marks) Unlike sociologists, psychologists, economists and political scientists, anthropologists look beyond the confines of our own society and compare it to the beliefs and practices of other . The dominant social groups create the popular culture, but it is the masses that decide whether it stays or goes. He says that the extent of Garfinkel argues that people are not the cultural dopes that Marxists claim, and individuals can critically absorb the messages from mass culture and choose to accept or reject them. It looks at society as a whole and is known as a consensus . As stated in the source, Marxist sociologists such as Marcuse, argue that mass culture has been created to sell products to the proletariat to further the profits of Question 1 Sociology is a study of people in group relationships and integrates all the disciplines of social movement. Identify your study strength and weaknesses. Einsenstadt, a functionalist, said that Youth is transition mechanism and is the stage in which we begin to change from children to adults. Become Premium to read the whole document. Postmodernists suggest that society has become more fragments and unstable due In this definition, popular culture appears as a tool in the hands of the ruling class. Marxists also say that cultural This maintains their subordinate position, which Marxist feminists, like Ansley, argue is due to the limited earning potential of these types of jobs and being trapped by the assumption that women need to spend money on unnecessary products such as makeup in order to be accepted in society and taken seriously. Words: 284 Pages: 1. true. Their ideas are collected within, This theory of mass culture has been criticised by many for its, The most important figures of The Frankfurt School, The Frankfurt School built their theory on Karl Marxs notion of, Features of mass culture according to elite theorists, Elite theorists idea of vibrant folk culture - happy peasantry - is criticised by many, who claim it is a, There are a few points on which he agreed with. He claims that the media blames youth for the moral decline of the country and that Youth culture has been spoilt and stigmatised by The media. argues that the nuclear family is the best type due to its social and geographical Who was not part of the Frankfurt School? Popular culture is everything that is not high culture. Known as juvenile delinquency, it is often malicious in nature and not linked to material or financial goals. Russel Lynes (1949) divided society into three groups in terms of their tastes and attitudes to culture. It can be argued that the functionalist theory has made a significant contribution to the study of society. Popular culture is the leading culture, accepted by all classes. However, this would cause role conflict with their family. by Samreen Sagheer. By abandoning their social class, they have lost all resistant power. Andrae, Thomas, (1979), 'Adorno on film and mass culture: The culture industry reconsidered', Jumpcut (20), 34 - 37. He was a Brahmin. However, the media can also be used to show alternative views such as those who believe the Royal family should be abolished or that prefer to assert their subcultural identity associated with music that transcends national boundaries. These institutions include education, the family, the church, the mass media, popular culture, etc. Functionalism. Elite theorists idea of vibrant folk culture - happy peasantry - is criticised by many, who claim it is a glorification of their situation. Critical theories aim to dig beneath the surface of social life and uncover the assumptions that keep human beings from a . Best Breakfast Bellevue, youth culture as a whole is the shared norms and values of "youth" as a whole. One way . He claimed that people lost their humanity and were in danger of becoming robots. Social Problems: A Down to . Youth subcultures are commonly understood by sociologists to be a culture within another culture, made up by young people that share the same norms and values, but have also been insufficiently integrated into society. Auburn sociology professor Allen Furr examines the effects of the coronavirus on society and what it . He was one of the best Indian sociologists. For example, consumers are encouraged to watch a Disney film, eat at McDonalds to receive a Disney toy, then go to another shop and buy Disney branded clothing. What sort of areas have Marxist sociologists contributed to in terms Updated and brand new boxes throughout encourage students to take a closer look at society and selected social issues. contributions to our understanding of family diversity. Conversely, the same decades saw the rise of new mathematically rigorous approaches, such as social network analysis. Let's consider some mass culture examples below. They believe in cultural diversity and view popular culture as a very appropriate field for this. Popular culture is the set of practices, beliefs, and objects that embody the most broadly shared meanings of a social system. Mass culture theory argues that industrialisation and capitalism have transformed society. Essay Title: Applying material from Item A and your knowledge, evaluate sociological They believed in cultural diversity and saw popular culture as a great field for that. It concludes by presenting the North as a non-place, placeless, a pseudo-place. Create beautiful notes faster than ever before. relationships and any changes will be classed as superficial. Sociologists have put forward several explanations for the gender differences in religious beliefs and practices, but most tend to focus on the reason for womens relatively high level of participation and mens low levels. sociological knowledge, but rather because they have difficulty in applying their knowledge appropriately to the questions set. It lacks creativity and is brutish and backward. It includes media objects, entertainment and leisure, fashion and trends, and linguistic conventions, among other things. Popular culture is authentic, unique and creative. Secularisation and changing social attitudes: Religious institutions and beliefs losing their influence. endstream endobj startxref Table 13.1 Theory Snapshot. Item B . As stated in the item, other sociologists, such as postmodernists, argue that mass culture is actually popular culture that provides individuals with more choice of products. Another way that people are socialised into their national identity is though media reporting of national sporting and cultural events. Others produced their own approaches to mass culture and its role in society. It has its origins in the works of Emile Durkheim, who was especially interested in how social order is possible or how society remains relatively stable.As such, it is a theory that focuses on the macro-level of social structure, rather than the micro-level of everyday life. The evolution of existing media . Most sociologists in the 20th century were critical of it, seeing it as a danger to real authentic art and high culture as well as to the consumers, who are manipulated through it. Essay Title: Applying material from Item A and your knowledge, evaluate sociolog Outline and evaluate the view that relationships between men and women in the family have become more equal, How inequalitties have been challanged from at least one disciplinary perspective. Company Reg no: 04489574. WebEvaluating Sociological Research. (18 marks) EITHER: 3) Evaluate the contribution of Marxist theories to our understanding of the organisation and role of the mass media in the world today. Mass culture has been defined in many ways, by many different theorists, sinceTheodor Adorno andMax Horkheimer created the term. The Development and Importance of Youth Culture, Impact of Party Drugs on the Youth Culture, Hip-Hop Generation: Its Influence on Youth Culture. It is a social science that uses empirical research and critical analysis to understand social order, disorder and change. WebSociological writing makes anargument and uses evidence to support the argument and to dispute other possible positions or interpretations. She says that alternative families are better than the traditional ones for the Mass culture has been defined in many ways, by many different theorists in sociology, since, According to Adorno and Horkheimer, who were both members of the, Some sociologists claim that mass culture was replaced by popular culture in postmodern society. As they are excluded from the outside world, they glue themselves to their television sets. 2002-2023 Tutor2u Limited. The only area that they are included in is the mass media. There is a lack of convincing evidence behind the idea that the culture of the working class, which equals mass culture in elitist theory, is brutish and uncreative. Popular culture is a diverse culture where authenticity and commercialisation are blurred and people have the choice to create and consume whatever culture they please. Tel: +44 0844 800 0085. variations in family structures along with household type, kingship networks and The "Frankfurt School" refers to a group of German-American theorists who developed powerful analyses of the changes in Western capitalist societies that occurred since the classical theory of Marx. A01 - 3 out of 4 marks A02 - 5 out of 8 marks Total = 8 out of 12 marks Commentary This candidate does have some knowledge of global culture, Essay Title: Applying material from Item A and your knowledge, evaluate sociological contributions to our understanding of family diversity. After studying this section, you should be able to understand: how the term 'new media' is defined. Postmodernists in sociology, such as Dominic Strinati (1995) are critical of mass culture theory, which they accuse of perpetuating elitism. There are many different views around mass culture within sociology. WebItem B Marxist sociologists argue that mass culture makes people passive consumers and undermines their ability to think critically about society. However, the media can also be used to spread alternative messages to the dominant ideology such as the use of email petitions from sites such as Amnesty International and Change.org. In order to fit into British society, individuals may adopt a "white mask" by wearing British or Western clothing rather than cultural dress or speak in English in public rather than Urdu. Weber on the Relationships Between Culture and Economy Weber's most well-known and widely read work is The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of However, radical feminists would argue that the family Sociology of culture denotes interpretation of social events and elements in Difference Feminists would argue that there are now many different family types and The theory of cultural hegemony argues thatthere is always a leading cultural group (among all the competing ones) that determines value systems and patterns of consumption and production. Social Construction of Health and Illness, Representation of Social Class In The Media, Distribution of Wealth, Poverty, and Income in the UK, Theoretical Approaches to Welfare Providers. Adorno and Horkheimer coined the term culture industry to describe how mass culture creates the illusion of a happy, satisfied society that turns working-class peoples attention away from their low wages, bad working conditions, and general lack of power. Declining Stigma, Changing Attitudes and Secularisation. Mass Culture: Cultural products and activities that are consumed by large numbers of people. For example, people living in rural areas of the UK and continents such as Africa which have low internet penetration rates. 214 High Street, Best study tips and tricks for your exams. Elite Culture! These answers hae not een throuh the AA approal process 1 1 CRIME AND DEVIANCE Example answers 1 Outline two ways in which the criminal justice system may be institutionally racist. These can be contradictory, for example, some representations of different cultures are positive whereas some are stereotypical. Due to products being made on a mass scale it has meant products previously out of reach are available for all. The media is a platform that advertises mass cultural products such as new clothes fashions, toys or media products like films. previously seen as normal. In modern society, Parker argued that identity was linked to our work. Postmodernists such as Dominic Strinati (1995) are critical of mass culture theory, which they accuse of perpetuating elitism. (33marks) Within religion, there are clear gender differences. As stated in the source, Marxist sociologists such as Marcuse, argue that mass culture has been created to sell products to the proletariat to further the profits of the bourgeoisie in a capitalist system. Perceptions of Discrimination. Technology and Industrialization: Technology has contributed to the growth of industries or to the process of industrialization. What did Herbert Marcuse think about mass culture and society? Some sociologists would argue that there are many differences in different types of (10) 3) Evaluate sociological contributions to our understanding of mass culture. (33 marks) JUNE 2013. Culturalist theory Role of Mass Media In Relation To Crime and Deviance - Jan - 2015 8 | P a g e Culturalist theory was developed in the 1980's and 1990's, and combines the other two sociological theories and claims that people interact with media to "create their own meanings out of the images and messages they receive"(Fadul and . The ruling class stated that their culture was superior, while, Marx argued, the choice between opera and cinema was a purely personal preference. on the thoughts of 2,000 families, suggest that families are very adaptable and may Children are taught the values of their culture such as the language, food, clothes of their nation. In most stable, modern democratic societies the general pattern is for individuals to be socialized into the mass culture before being recruited to leading political roles, and thus the elite, in spite of gaining highly specialized skills and political knowledge, can still appreciate the basic values of the citizenry as a whole. 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