9th infantry division vietnam roster

Last date/time page edited 11/07/19 16:10. The 9th Infantry Division fought in Vietnam from 1967 to the summer of 1969, when the 1st and 2nd Brigades were withdrawn. From Albert's Peach Cobbler to an Irish Chicken Dinner, we have them all! Camp Phillips, KS Nov 42 - Nov 43. 25th ID History. This represents the son as a circle in the middle with eight brothers around him. Especially in the area of Civil Actions, the 9th US Inf. The Joint Chief of Staff has the mission of executing this Decision. Like the rest of the Division, the brigade contacts were for the most part small and scattered. As action spilled over into the suburbs, thousands of men, women and children poured into the city seeking refuge. Turning east, the 9th crossed the Marne, 28 August, swept through Saarlautern,[5] and in November and December held defensive positions from Monschau to Losheim. The 60th Infantry was reactivated and assigned to the 9th Infantry Division. Parts of the division were organized at the end of the 1980s as follows: In case of war with the Warsaw Pact the division's would have reinforced the Allied Forces Baltic Approaches Command defending Denmark. In addition to building and repairing schools the division has helped by operating a school for Vietnamese children in Dong Tam. Linage and Honors: The Return Trip 2000 . Organized under the ROAD (Reorganization Objective Army Division) concept, the Division includes 10 maneuver battalions (three each assigned to the 39th, 47th and 60th Infantries, plus the 6th Battalion, 31st Infantry), the 3d Squadron, 5th Cavalry, 15th Engineer Battalion and Division Artillery boasting four organic artillery battalions. [58] The 7th Infantry Division, previously inactivated, resumed service as an administrative headquarters at Joint Base LewisMcChord in 2012. Go Devils of the 3d Brigade, like the rest of the Division, had no trouble finding the enemy in May as they killed 550 VC and NVA. Only at the southern edge of the capital, where the Y-Bridge crossed the Kinh Doi Canal, did the enemy follow up his mortaring with a ground assault. 1st Cavalry (Airmobile) Division (Army Vietnam) 472.7.2 1st Cavalry Brigade (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.4 1st Cavalry Division 391.3.1 1st Cavalry Regiment 391.3.2, 391.3.6 photographs 391.8 1st Chemical Regiment 391.6.3 1st Coast Artillery District 392.2.5 I Concentration Command (Army Air Forces) 18.9.5 I Corps The MRFA is launching our Historical Data Project (HDP), featuring as much MRF TF-117 data as possible. Fort Custer, MI Sep 42 - Oct 42. With headquarters in Sembach, Germany, these Soldiers took control of all policing duties in Vietnam. The OLD RELIABLES have used every opportunity to help the Vietnamese people, making life a little easier in the midst of a war. The fight began when helicopter gun ships of Troop D, 3d/5th Cav made contact with the enemy. My sincerest apologies for the delays in updating the roster. General CAO-V AN-VIEN Chief of JGSIRVNAF (sis), Courtesy of John Sperry, MRFA Vice President. Explore artwork by members, and read historical articles and books. Unit awards, medals and ribbons, and information on applying for and obtaining your medals and ribbons. Its area of operations was in the rivers and canals of the Mekong Delta from 1967 to 1972. 5/60 Company A Roster. Tom was the founder of this website. Unit awards, medals and ribbons, and information on applying for and obtaining your medals and ribbons. The shoulder sleeve insignia is an octofoil resembling a heraldic design given to the ninth son of a family. [30], McGrath writes that the 9th Infantry Division was organized as follows in 1988:[42], In fiscal year 1989 Chief of Staff of the United States Army General Carl E. Vuono approved the conversion of the division's two combined arms battalions light to standard mechanized infantry battalions. [3] It was disbanded on 15 February 1919 at Camp Sherdian. Hunt, killed 814 of the enemy while sustaining only 12 U.S. killed. On 16 February 1991 the 3rd Brigade was reflagged as 199th Infantry Brigade (Motorized)[50] with the following units: The remainder of the division's units inactivated on the following dates: With the support and aviation units inactivating in the same timeframe. The awards are in recognition of the divisions exceptional valor and extraordinary performance in combat from 1 January to 31 May 1969, and significant accomplishments in civic action since its arrival in Vietnam in December 1966 to 30 June 1969. The Ninth Infantry Division Association is formed by the officers and men of the Ninth Infantry Division in order to perpetuate the memory of our fallen comrades, to preserve the "Esprit De Corps" of the Division, to assist in promoting the everlasting world peace exclusively by means of educational activities, and to serve as an information against one American dead and 15 wounded. Five battalions of Division infantrymen, closely supported by armored personnel carriers, helicopter gun ships, artillery and Air Force warplanes killed almost 1.000 VC and NVA in eight days of sharp fighting. Strength: 468. From June 1-4, elements of the lst Brigade, led by the legendary Gunfighter Colonel Henry Emerson, relentlessly tracked two VC battalions through the treacherous Plain of Reeds and joined with artillery and air strikes to kill over 225 enemy. In the early '60s, the Army predicted a large involvement in Southeast Asia and began building up the 101st Airborne Division in addition to several other units. The 1st Special Forces established a base here and it was later the base camp for the 9th Infantry Division from January 1967 until it moved to ng Tm Base Camp near M Tho in late 1967. More than 100 enemy bodies were counted and over 45 weapons were captured. Activated on 15 Sep 1942. On 28 July 1866, the 39th Congress of the United States passed an act to improve the peace establishment of the nation. It is measured in the confidence and friendship that the Vietnamese people give to the Government of Vietnam and the Allied Forces and in this battle the 9th Infantry Division has proven a winner. mounted 105mm howitzers on floating barges and began to navigate the Delta waterways. It is with sadness that we must convey the news that Tom Veit passed away on March 31, 2006. 9TH INFANTRY DIVISION Photo. The motorized infantry division was to be equipped with enhanced technology to give it deployability and fire power and fill the gap between light and heavy divisions. Sent to England for further training, the division landed on Utah Beach on 10 June 1944 (D plus 4), cut off the Cotentin Peninsula, drove on to Cherbourg Harbour and penetrated the port's heavy defenses. Its reactivation, planned in 1971, increased the army's size to 13 . soldiers, in spite of hardship, carried out their activities in the remote hamlets in helping the Vietnamese People through their medical support, education and psywar assistance, repair and construction of pub11c facilities for the war victims. After the. Suddenly besieged by an estimated battalion of the 275th VC Regiment, the cavalrymen mounted a savage counterattack which felled 90 enemy. Further- more, it has three brigade headquarters, the 9th Aviation Battalion. 0 . Gen. Previous Station: Fort Riley Strength: 907, 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry (Riverine) 1st Brigade, 9th Infantry Division, composed of: Headquarter and Headquarters Company 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry-2nd Battalion 60th Infantry, and Attached Units: Company . Arrived Vietnam: 20 Dec 1966 Tour of Duty - 1967. In mid-January, the 9th Division became the first American infantry unit to establish a permanent camp in the VC-infested Mekong Delta. 65 series for the 9th Infantry Division Cavalry Unit Records, ca. Strength: 814, 2nd Battalion, 60th Infantry (Infantry) In later years, it would become an important unit of the U.S. Army during World War II and the Vietnam War. The program has aided amputees and persons with cleft palates with the medical and hospital expenses covered by the Government of Vietnam. People from the areas surrounding Dong Tam flock there at the rate of 1,000 a day to receive medical attention at the daily MEDCAP staged at the main gate by the Division Support Command. [16], In the 1994 film Forrest Gump, the eponymous main character was a member of the 9th Infantry Division in Vietnam, notably: 4th Platoon, Company A, 2nd Battalion, 47th Infantry.[17]. Major General Eckhardt noted that each division contained a long-range patrol unit. Arrived Vietnam: 30 Jan 1967 Another heated engagement came two weeks later as elements of the 11th Armored Cavalry conducted a major jungle clearing operation along Highway 20 in Long Thanh Province. The 3d Brigade Go Devils accounted for 502 enemy dead in Long An Province and the infamous Plain of Reeds. The division uses every available medium for getting the PSYOPS messages to the people. Civil Affairs is many things to many people. More than 500 VC were repelled by members of the 5th/60th reinforced by artillery batteries. [30], Initially the vision was to create three motorized brigades with three new types of infantry battalion:[31][32], The light attack battalions utilized the Fast Attack Vehicles (FAV - later re-designated the Desert Patrol Vehicle). In July of 1965, the 101st was ordered into combat. With February came the awaited Tet offensive. Sam Pizzo, Company Clerk Company A 5/60 9th Infantry Dec 1966- 1967. Links to friends, affiliates and other sites you should visit! U.S. Army 9th Infantry Division Arrives in Vietnam December 1, 1966 - December 31, 1966 Overview In keeping with the large U.S. Army deployments to Vietnam throughout 1966, the 9th Infantry Division "Old Reliables" begins to arrive in South Vietnam. Since its arrival in Vietnam in December 1966, the division has treated more than 700,000 patients through its MEDCAP program. rosters, reports, personal items, photographs, booklets, etc. The OLD RELIABLES use every possible means of winning the hearts and minds of the people through an extensive psychological operations (PSYOPS). The battle of civil affairs is fought daily, but success is not measured in body count. The most intense fighting came during the peak of enemy activity May 11-12 when companies of the 2d Battalion, 47th Infantry and 2d and 5th Battalions, 60th Infantry rushed to support Vietnamese units and together killed 91 NVA. (The others were the 32nd and the 41st in the Pacific on New Guinea, Carlson's Raiders on Makin Island, the 1st Marine, and the Previous Station: Fort Riley Encouraged by the success of CORONADO II, soldiers of the 2d Brigade, combined with two battalions of the 3d Brigade and ARVN units, continued combat probes into the enemy haven of Cam Son. "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. Following the Tet offensive in 1968, General Westmoreland stated that the Division and the MRF saved the Delta region from falling to the People's Army of Vietnam forces. When the 9th Division was reconstituted in the Regular Army on 24 March 1923, the 18th Infantry Brigade (5th and 13th Infantry Regiments) along with several other elements were assigned as active units; They formed the core from which the remainder of the division would be reactivated in the event of war. 60th Infantry and 3d Battalion, 47th Infantry encircled the enemy as helicopter gun ships and fighter bombers rained deadly streams of fire. 3rd Battalion 34th Artillery (105mm Howitzer, Towed Riverine) On Oct 19 the 15th Engineers became the first echelon to arrive in Vietnam and immediately began developing a Division-size base camp, called Bearcat, located near Long Thanh, about 20 miles northeast of Saigon. 9th infantry division vietnam roster 9th infantry division vietnam roster. However, because of the delay of the Armored Gun System the division did only activate four of the envisioned five combined arms battalions heavy and retained the 2nd Battalion, 77th Armor instead. Following a brief stay in England, the 94th began to land on Utah Beach on 6 September 1944, and moved into Brittany to assume responsibility for containing some . 9th Infantry Division Unit Histories (Vietnam), 2nd Battalion, 47th Infantry (Mechanized Infantry), 5th Battalion 60th Infantry (Mechanized Infantry). 4/9 Infantry in Vietnam Table of Contents: 4/9 Vietnam Memorial. The 9th Division was reactivated on 1 February 1966, and arrived in South Vietnam on 16 December 1966 from Fort Riley, Kansas. Units of the 1st Brigade were summoned from their jungle environment into the Mekong Delta. 4002, 27 June 1969 Arrived Vietnam: 8 Apr 1968 In this sweep, the 3d and 4th Battalions, 47th Infantry, joined by elements of the 7th ARVN Division and several Naval river assault teams, killed 11 enemy. 9th Signal Battalion and the typical support command unit with Headquarter Company and Band, 9th Administration Company, 9th Medical Battalion, 9th. Camp McCain, MS Nov 43 - Jul 44. The division support command would field three forward support, one cavalry support and one main support battalion. Please sign the MRFA guestbook! One significant encounter came when elements of the 2d Battalion, 60th Infantry killed 40 VC near the Bo Bo Canal in the Plain of Reeds. On 30 January the division jumped off from Monschau in a drive across the Roer and to the Rhine, crossing at Remagen, 7 March. Faced with unrelenting physical hardships, a tenacious enemy and the region's rugged terrain, the Division established strategies and quantifiable goals for completing their mission. Departed: 12 Oct 1970 Before the Viet Cong tidal wave subsided, Division infantrymen found themselves engaged on many unaccustomed fronts and unrehearsed missions. During mid-May, the Cam Son Secret Zone, 20 miles west of Dong Tam, became the target of a combined recon in force operation. The focus of action shifted north to Phuoc Tuy Province on July 10, as the 1st Brigade teamed with the 1st Australian Task Force and two battalions of Vietnamese Marines to begin Operation PADDINGTON. They may also refer you to the: Unit Diary Section Commandant Marine Corps Records Service Section In January over 1,000 of the enemy were killed by the 9th Division as Old Reliable infantrymen and supporting units pounded the already badly battered indigenous VC and newly arrived NVA infiltrators. 0 . The 9th Infantry Division was created on 18 July 1918 at Camp Sheridan, Alabama but did not serve overseas. The 3rd of the 34th Artillery was a towed 105mm howitzer battalion assigned to the 9th Infantry Division. In the above-said operations, the 9th US Infantry Division, with a decisive intention to engage the enemy and win every battle, has applied new tactics obliging the communists to engage in battle throughout the Operation Area even their safety special area. The 199th later became known as the "Redcatchers" for its mission objectiveto seek out and destroy Communist cadres in Vietnam. -In the educational domain, the 9th US Inf Div has reconstructed and equipped 356 schools in Tien-Giang DTA, 1 school in the vicinity of Dong-Tam Base, opened many English courses in 4 high schools in My-Tho City for almost 30,000 students. Units assigned to the 9th Division Division Headquarters 17th Infantry Brigade 45th Infantry Regiment 67th Infantry Regiment 26th Machine Gun Battalion 18th Infantry Brigade 1965 - ca. Troop A, 3/5th Cav was attacked by element of the 273d VC Regiment near Bau Bang, about 34 miles north of Saigon. By Feb. 22 more than l,625 VC and NVA bodies were credited to Division troops. Explore historical photos, gripping stories, poetry and song submitted by MRFA members. The 9th Infantry Division is a division of the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN), first formed from Viet Cong units in 1964/5 in the Mekong Delta region. Arrived Vietnam: 20 Dec. 1966 The enemy was dug in along a heavily wooded and bunkered area along a canal and air and artillery were called in. The division's first and third brigade were to field one of each of the three new battalions, while the second brigade would field three combined arms battalions heavy. 9th US Infantry Division has greatly contributed to the destruction of the Winter-Spring Offensive Plan of the communists, Which attempted to launch devastating attack on Saigon and cities south of Saigon. 19.10.1943 Lt. Col. Homer S. Reese Assistant Chief of Staff G-5 31.05.1944 Lt. Col. Ellis O. Keller Adjutant General 19.10.1943 Lt. Col. Morris Braveman Other information Call sign Ivanhoe Divisional troops Top Infantry Field Artillery (FA) Other troops Attachments Top Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA) Armor Cavalry Chemical Engineers Departed: 26 July 1969 The 9th saw its first combat on 8 November 1942, when its elements landed at Algiers, Safi, and Port Lyautey, with the taking of Safi by the 3rd Battalion of the 47th Infantry Regiment standing as the first liberation of a city from Axis control in World War II. This brief summary of the History of the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam is not all inclusive of all Combat Operations. 653 Brave Soldiers Who Gave The Ultimate Sacrifice SP4 Conley R Garland 01/07/1967 SP4 Charles J Feddema 03/05/1967 SP4 Robert E Bethune 01/12/1967 PFC Clyde L Keith 03/06/1967 PFC Jerry W Sprouse 01/15/1967 PFC Richard A Baglio 03/07/1967 . Explore a glossary of terms, manuals, statistics, historical accounts and reports, maps and articles by MRFA members. [citation needed], The inactivation of the division began on 28 September 1990 with the inactivation of the 1st Brigade, 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry,[48] and 4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry. Many were cut down by the enemy, who honor no distinction between Allied soldiers and innocent civilians. Operating deep within the Viet Cong-controlled Delta, the 9th Infantry Division of the U.S. Army was charged with protecting the area and its population against Communist insurgents and ensuring the success of the South Vietnamese government's pacification program. The division struggled to meet this standard. Departed Vietnam: 12 Oct 1970 The MRF combined several major contacts with heavy, scattered actions to rack up their record total. Operating deep within the Viet Cong (VC)controlled Delta, the Division was charged with protecting the area and its population against VC insurgents and ensuring the success of the South Vietnamese government's pacification program. Many battalions within the division have instituted what is known as the civilian hospital sponsorship program to supplement their MEDCAP work. Previous Station: Fort Riley Army leadership at first decided that inactivating units would turn in all of their equipment at "10/20" standard in ready and reusable condition. Explore our Navy section: awards, stories, points of interest, origin of navy terminology and much, much more! This brigade lived on the ships of Navy Task Force 117, and were transported on their infantry missions throughout the Mekong Delta on Tango boats (converted landing craft) supported by various other armored boats. 1ST, 4TH, AND 9TH INFANTRY DIVISIONS PANEL ROSTER Moderator: Wayne Novick, 22, SP/4, 1st En., 26th Inf., 1st Inf. Essentially a Volkswagen-engined dune buggy mounted with either a 40mm Mk 19 grenade launcher or .50 caliber M2 Browning machine gun. To award the Civil Actions Honor Medal, first class to, THE NINTH US ARMY INFANTRY DIVISION Serving in Viet-Nam from 19 Dec 1966 to the present, the 9th US Infantry Division has obtained many significant results in the spheres or Warfare and Civil Actions. Under the leadership of Major General Harris W. Hollis, the 9th Division eliminated 6,157 enemy during April and May 1969. Join us for our 2017 reunion by making a reservation today! Departed Vietnam: 3 Aug 1969 The division artillery would consist of three battalions equipped with M198 155mm towed howitzers, one light artillery rocket battalion with M102 105mm towed howitzers and M270 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems, and one target acquisition battery. Camp Shanks, NY Jul 44 - Aug 44. When the long-awaited second wave of Viet Cong thrust finally began May 7, it proved a pale replica of its predecessor. The division was allotted to the First Corps Area for mobilization responsibility, and assigned to the I Corps. Strength: 814, 5th Battalion 60th Infantry (Mechanized Infantry) Links to friends, affiliates and other sites you should visit! -In the psywar area, the 9th US Inf Div has carried out many loud speaker and leaflet dropping missions resulting in 8,949 VC Cadres rallied to the National Cause. The division has done much to assist the innocent victims of the war. There are a A sweep of the battlefield turned up 89 AK-47 rifles, 12 RPD Machine guns, two 82mm mortars and sights, 110 mortar rounds. [9], Division commanding generals were: Maj. Gen. George S. Eckhardt (February 1966 - June 1967), Maj. Gen. George G. O'Connor (June 1967 - February 1968), Maj. Gen. Julian Ewell (February 1968 - April 1969), Maj. Gen. Harris W. Hollis (April 1969 - August 1969). To overcome the biggest push of the war, the OLD RELIABLES gained momentum early and never failed to carry the battle to the VC. 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