b) variations in thickness of slope b) turbulence of the water is less important than the temp, which affects viscosity d) gravity Study with us and youll be joining over 2 million students whove achieved their career and personal goals with The Open University. e) a and b only, The Earth's magnetic field is generated by: e) radioactive decay, which of the following is not a common trigger for slope failure? d) the rock cooled slowly Well Construction 8. funnels, are the result of groundwater and seawater erosion as . c) hardness There are many ways to test porosity in a . From the following data, obtained at 360K360 \mathrm{~K}360K: (b) determine the initial rate of disappearance of X\mathrm{X}X when the concentration of X\mathrm{X}X is 0.30M0.30 \mathrm{M}0.30M and that of Y\mathrm{Y}Y is 0.40M0.40 \mathrm{M}0.40M. e) all of the above, a) abrasion is concentrated on the upstream side of obstructions, the size of clast that a river can carry is primarily controlled by: a) smaller and rounder as they are transported c) a burner gives heat through the air without touching the object water percolates straight down - pull of gravity, zone where all open spaces in sediment and rock are completely filled with water what type of aquifer is an artesian well associated with? Round particles will pack more tightly than particles with sharp edges. a) the glacier can slide over bedrock b) cooling and contraction e) sand, gravel, and stone, geology 1301 - natural hazards & disasters, Combo with "Miller Ch 10 Geology Processes, H, Applications and Investigations In Earth Science, Dennis G. Tasa, Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens. e) slate, oil that reaches the surface can form: d) movement of water is restricted to rainfall and rivers d) water is pulled by gravity of the moon 34. Groundwater is slightly acidic because a small amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). c) steep slopes in a mountain if below - oasis in the desert (fault or erosion -anticline), 1. a) mid-ocean ridges The fractional volume of pores that are interconnected is referred to as effective porosity. Porosity or void fraction is a measure of the void (i.e. a) burial What does the porosity of a material depend on? All Rights Reserved. Another type of secondary porosity is solution porosity, which develops where part of a rock has been dissolved, leaving open spaces (Figure 14e). a. number of atoms in 25.7gAl25.7 \mathrm{~g} \mathrm{Al}25.7gAl d) whether water runs off the land or sinks into the ground d) water from precipitation and snowmelt b) Africa and North America collided to form the Appalachian Mountains Permeable layers of rock that store and transport water are called aquifers. C. A. e) lithosphere is thinner and hotter, rocks moving from a source area become: However, there are volcanic rocks that contain gas bubbles and some of these have high porosities. c) how close the river is to the ocean The point at which matric forces hold water too tightly for plant extraction (-1.5 MPa) is termed the permanent wilting point. d) they can be too small to see but can build diagnostic features in the rocks Porosity and Permeability. e) poorly sorted sand, silt, and clay, In a material that holds groundwater, porosity: c) a lake can gain water if it is lower then the water table in areas adjacent to the lake However, in some cases, physical sampling methods may increase or decrease the sample porosity. From the choices given below and the actual meaning of the term, porosity can be referred to or considered as the ease with which water is able to flow from one pore to another in rock.Therefore, the option D holds true.. What is the significance of porosity? c) Delaware, Maryland d) volcanic activity releases Co2 and water vapor that can cause atmospheric warming 3.6 Specific Yield and Specific Retention, 3.7 Interrelationship of Effective Porosity, Specific Yield and Specific Retention, 4.6 Further Investigation of Darcys Law, Head, Gradient and Hydraulic Conductivity, 5.1 Conditions Effecting Hydraulic Conductivity Values, 5.2 Methods to Estimate Hydraulic Conductivity, 5.3 Hydraulic Conductivity Values for Earth Materials, 5.4 Spatial and Directional Variation of Hydraulic Conductivity, 5.5 Hydraulic Conductivity of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Materials, 5.6 Hydraulic Conductivity in Fractured Rocks, 6.4 Properties of Aquifers and Confining Units, 7.2 Governing Equations for Confined Transient Groundwater Flow, 7.3 Governing Equations for Unconfined Groundwater Flow, 7.4 Steady State Equations Describing Confined and Unconfined Flow, 8.2 Determining Groundwater Flow Directions, 8.3 The Influence of Boundary Conditions, 8.4 Analysis of Groundwater Flow Systems, Box 1 Density of Common Minerals, Rock Types and Soils, Box 3 Foundation for Understanding Hydraulic Head and Force Potentials, Box 4 Methods for Estimating Hydraulic Conductivity, Box 5 Equation Derivation for Equivalent K and a 4-layer Application, Box 6 Adding Recharge to the Unconfined Aquifer System, Box 7 Transformation for 2-D Flow in an Anisotropic Medium, Box 8 Deriving the Tangent Law of Refraction. b) abyssal plain After dissolution, porosity was greater than before dissolution, increasing by 0.140%, 0.038%, 0.042%, and 0.126%, respectively . c) roots that pry apart fractures as the root grows in size 37. c) a line that connects all the high points on a topographic map b) water within the pan flows in a circular path The studied outcrop has a total thickness of about 60 m which was categorized into four microfacies i.e., bioclastic mudstone, bioclastic mud-wackestone, bioclastic . with a depth of 1 m, and a surface area of 1 m 2) contains 0.150 m 3 of water (e.g. Groundwater typically flows through limestones by way of cracks. B. c) P waves excess pumping, cone of depression b) rapid seafloor spreading displaces water from ocean basins c) thrust Drag each planet into its proper position in the Solar System from top, closest to the Sun, to bottom, farthest. c) Divergent Groundwater exists everywhere there is porosity. d) heating occurs in deserts of the American Southwest during summer time The top level of this saturated zone is called ground water table. e) reaction with acids from decaying plants, which of the following ism\ not a way to form layers in a sedimentary rock? d) the lava flow forms lava tubes, Hazards associated with basaltic lava flows and eruptions are: a) sand dunes along a beach or in a desert b) a change in the strength of the current c) intermolecular bond c) compacted clay It is stored in and moves slowly through geologic formations of soil, sand and rocks called aquifers. b) oil and gas . d) blowing salt crystals become incorporated into clouds and falls with the rainfall, c) weathering of rocks releases chemical elements that make the oceans salty, which of the following are true about how a stream erodes material? a) divergent Figure 14 Porosity in unconsolidated sediments ((a) to (c)): (a) is well sorted, having high porosity; (b) is poorly sorted having low porosity; (c) has angular grains and low porosity; and in consolidated rocks ((d) to (f)): (d) has porosity diminished by cementation; (e) has solution porosity as it has partially dissolved; (f) has fracture porosity. b) the distribution of hard and soft rocks a) oceans d) recrystalization of minerals c) a piece of California started moving northward up the west coast 1. stop input and let nature remove it - easy but slow 36. d)islands in the southwestern Pacific ocean b) playa the amount of water vapor in the air relative to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold: D. . c) the sediment becomes more poorly sorted After sufficient time is allowed for the pores to become saturated (the water volume in the container stops changing), the volume in the beaker is recorded as 108 ml. If there was no pore space in the 10 cm3 sample the final volume of water would be 110 ml. a) a spreading center to a transform fault a) most waves are generated by earthquakes and become larger upon approaching the shore However, whether that groundwater is able to flow in significant quantities depends on the permeability. a) mineral deposits relate to granites a) salty water moving through the deep parts of the crust b) linear island chain 3. landfills c) the ocean d) dikes, coarsely crystalline igneous textures indicate that: What is a possible way to increase permeability? c) nuclear energy from the heated uranium-rich rocks c) dunes formed by wind a) controls the amount of water that can be sorted reduces the water table (lower in the ground), 1955- 1977 (22 yrs) lost 30 feet of land - yearly average 30/22, less room to store ground water - permanent from confined aquifer For example, water falling on the Chilterns to the west of London will flow at a speed of 0.1 to 1 m s1 in a river, taking a few days to reach London. Uploaded By ms382587; Pages 62 Ratings 95% (19) 18 out of 19 people found this document helpful; a) very coarse granite pegmatite We measure porosity by the percentage of empty space that exists within a particular porous media. Groundwater moves from areas where the water table is low to areas where the water table is high. Confining beds vary in permeability and . d) shale b) large cross beds in a well stored sandstone usually indicate deposition by wind a) there are more pieces but the surface area does not change We used time-resolved (4-D) microtomographic data to capture the dynamic evolution of the porosity in layered NaCl-NaCl/biotite samples over 1619 and 1932 h of compaction. a) 1 mill It is defined as the ratio of the volume of the voids or pore space divided by the total volume. a) adding water to a slope Darcy's Law 5. a) calm waters in a lagoon excess pumping c) width of the beach b) recycled waste water The international standard letter/number mapping for telephones is: Write a function that returns a number, given an uppercase letter, as follows: Write a test program that prompts the user to enter a phone number as a string. Consolidated (compacted and/or cemented) sedimentary rocks, and igneous and metamorphic rocks are usually less porous than unconsolidated sediments (Table 1). a) forces are pushing inward from all directions by the same amount c) convergent The amount of water that a rock can store depends on its porosity, which is the proportion of the volume of the rock that consists of pores: The principal factors that control porosity are grain size and shape, the degree of sorting (a well-sorted sediment has a narrow range of grain size), the extent to which cement occupies the pore spaces of grains and the amount of fracturing. fractures are the main way groundwater moves through some rocks, such as granite Which of the following materials probably has the highest porosity sediment composed only of rounded cobbles that rest directly on one another Which of the following materials probably has the lowest porosity unfractured granite c) limestone b) grey limestone by dissolution, such as uid temperature, pressure, pH value, porosity, permeability, and. It is written as either a decimal fraction between 0 and 1 or as a percentage. b) climate and vegetation a) waterfalls d) rock slide This results in a soil moisture content in volume . This determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next. If the rocks have low porosity and permeability, the radius of influence will be larger. a) water pressure a) the size of the clast increase a) quartzite d) marine terraces d) all of the above c) volcanoes a) effervescence Saint Helens The amount of water held between field capacity and permanent wilting . Free drainage occurs because of the force of gravity pulling on the water. X+YZ\mathrm{X}+\mathrm{Y} \longrightarrow \mathrm{Z} porosity - the amount of empty space in a rock or other earth substance; this empty space is known as pore space. d) the surface area decrease as the rock is fractured d) all of the above d) all of the above d) continental shelf, which parts of the seafloor have the youngest oceanic crust? c) the upper parts of the glacier can fracture e) a and b only, what is the depth of wave base? A. A. Troposphere, decreases, increases B. c) warm air flowing around the equator due to the Earth's rotation a) artesian c) the Caribbean c) rock vanish b) transform 3. (Source: Environment Canada) e) a and b only, which environments is least likely to deposit sand b) a glacier can move by internal shear and flow c) does not depend on the size and shape of grains and clasts a) mid ocean ridge School Florida International University; Course Title GLY 1010; Type. 3. may lead to contaminations form pollutants, Occurs if water is drawn out of aquifer and replaced with air. Porosity and Permeability Lab Porosity and Permeability Lab The terms porosity and permeability are related. Soil texture can also affect soil porosity There are three main soil textures: sand, silt, and clay. d) migration of deserts and advances of the sea If groundwater flows naturally out of rock materials or if it can be removed by pumping (in useful amounts), the rock materials are called aquifers. d) 100 feet, wind moves sediment by: Table 2 Ranges of total porosity and effective porosity values (data from Enviro Wiki Contributors, 2019). 2. forms cone of depression c) uplift and unloading of pressure groundwater that is accessible as a water resource transmits water easily - material is porous and permeable Aquitard A material of low porosity and permeability that greatly slows the movement of ground water Aquiclude A body of rock that will not transmit water at all little or no porosity or permeability water table b) the atmosphere rotating faster at the equator than at the poles d) seawater is drawn into a mid ocean ridge, which of the following igneous rocks would be formed by the fastest cooling? The effective porosity may equal, or be less than, the total porosity (n) of the sample (Table 1 and 2). b) a pyroclastic flow must be below groundwater table e) all of the above, Which of the following resources do geologic ages help us explore? Study: Third of Big Groundwater Basins in Distress Lassen, A hot spot is interpreted to have formed from: b) Gaines b) 100 meters d) all of the above, what mineral resource do we use the most of? Worksheet - Groundwater and Florida Geology.pdf, Copy of Worksheet - Groundwater and Florida Geology (2).pdf, Worksheet+-+Groundwater+and+Florida+Geology.pdf, 3 12packs9 933 3 per 12 pack 12 cans x 12 oz each 144 oz per 12 pack 3144oz 02, Specifically you learned About time series resampling and the difference and, About percent of zygotes successfully complete the germinal period to enter the, Majid et al 2011 also found that nurses who had training in EBP felt more, 7 efficiency of cruise port facilities Under this Plan of Action we commit to, Mirrors and Lenses 3 Convex Mirror or Diverging Mirror 16 Put the ray box on the, The determination of the Profit or Loss is done by preparing a Trading and, Pyrometallurgy of Copper-Course Notes-9.pdf, Which of these combines a number of tasks horizontally into one new broader job, Question 3 If a developer says we dont do any discussion or upfront design, These cross sections show the Paleozoic evolution of the northern Appalachian Mountains. c) fluid pressure is greater than the confining pressure Take a look at all Open University courses. c) ice and snow that are permanently in motion e) all of the above are involved, what is the ultimate source of food for animals living around deep-sea hydrothermal vents? Groundwater flows at right angles to the equipotential lines in the same way that water flowing down a slope would flow at right angles to the contour lines. d) the upper part of the ground that remains frozen throughout the year, d) the upper part of the ground that remains frozen throughout the year, what rock type is the most common setting for caves formed by dissolution of a rock? The amount of water a material can hold is directly related to the porosity since water will try and fill the empty spaces in a material. The morphology and porosity of prepared composite material were observed by SEM analysis. Estimate the porosity of the sediments in Figures 14a to d, selecting a value from the following ranges for each: less than 10%; 10-20%; 20-30%; 30-40%. However, groundwater, even flowing through rocks with hydraulic conductivities as high as 1 m per day, will only have a speed of around 3 103 m per day under the hydraulic gradient from the Chilterns to London, and will take thousands of years to travel the same distance. b) the presence of coral reefs on land a) salt b) steep slops e) all of the above, Tornado Alley is a region in the U.S. comprising: a) a weak current c) the rock broke apart as it flowed d) bacteria that break down hydrogen sulfide, d) bacteria that break down hydrogen sulfide, which of the following environments would likely have clasts smaller than sand? e) shallow, clear waters off Iceland, which of the following can we understand by studying sedimentary rocks? The water content in the soil at saturation is equal to the percent porosity . 39. c) they can be preserved in ancient tree sap Porosity is how much water a substance can hold. a) burial of roads and neighborhoods by lava flow c) when an ocean current reverses direction resulting in cooler sea temp in the eastern pacific e) a and b only, which of the following is not a type of carbonate rock? A. d) solidification and uplift, Of Earth's four overlapping spheres, which of the following does not involve material above Earth's surface? a) burial and tectonic forces e) both a and c, Which of the following landscape features is not common in deserts? Groundwater is found in two zones. a) elevation of the land surface near the shore a) dissolution a) mostly sand b) mountain belt or island arc Making the decision to study can be a big step, which is why youll want a trusted University. Usually. c) wave cut notches and platforms that are above sea level which of the following best following best explains what a contour line is? Field capacity is the soil water content after the soil has been saturated and allowed to drain freely for about 24 to 48 hours. b. HF\mathrm{HF}HF will have a lower vapor pressure at 50C-50^{\circ} \mathrm{C}50C than HBr\mathrm{HBr}HBr. X+YZ. c) weather sea level has risen or fallen relative to the coast d) uncompacted clay Lowers water table/ b) the decay of creatures that float on the ocean surface and settle to the bottom e) none of these, which of the following situations would result in angular clasts? cause groundwater to flow in curved upward path to streams and lakes, a well that brings pressurized water to the surface without pumping In the case of groundwater, that material is the ground. d) fine grained granite 3. a change in direction of groundwater flow The definition of hydraulic conductivity (usually denoted "K" in hydrology formulas) is the rate at which water moves through material. b) transform and divergent For each numbered arrow in Figure 2, here is my geology question These figures show the eight planets of our Solar System. creates limitation on future water supply, reduce use of water by all sectors and encourage recycling of water, the unsaturated zone above the water table, the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest parts of an area e) a and b only, where does the quartz in granite usually end up? d) a fault on land has a large displacement d) a rising plume of hot mantle material, Which of the following features is associated with a subduction zone? For example, a 10 cm3 cube (10 milliliter (ml) total volume) of sandstone is placed in a beaker filled with 100 ml of water such that the volume reading on the beaker is 110 ml. e. number of Ca2+\mathrm{Ca}^{2+}Ca2+ ions in 4.71gCa3(PO4)24.71 \mathrm{~g} \mathrm{Ca}_3\left(\mathrm{PO}_4\right)_24.71gCa3(PO4)2. a) sunlight and photosynthesis These pores are isolated from the active groundwater system, thus do not contribute to exchange of groundwater storage or transmission of groundwater. For example, a fine soil has smaller but more numerous pores than a coarse soil. Heavy metal contamination of ground water: The Surulere case study. The permittivity develops the electric field, whereas the permeability develops the magnetic field. b.For consolidated shale and sandstone sediments, the larger the grain size, the higher the porosity. what is the likely porosity and permeability of pumice? a) metallic bond The unsaturated zone, immediately below c) demobilization of chemical constituents into light and dark bands Hydraulic conductivity is generally expressed in meters per day. Water can be held tighter in small pores than in large ones, so fine soils can hold more water than coarse soils. d) silicates d) deep trenches, A divergent plate boundary is most likely associated with a(n): How does the permeability of a rock affect how quickly groundwater can flow through it? A rock with good porosity can hold a lot of groundwater. The distribution of natural resources is influenced by the: Which layer in the earth is similar in composition to basalt, a dark lava rock? c) lava flows e) change their mineralogy, a) smaller and rounder as they are transported, When a plate boundary changes its orientation, it can change from: When such zones are penetrated by wells, the water rises above the point at which it was first found because a confined aquifer is under pressure exceeding that of atmospheric pressure. In a material that holds groundwater, porosity: A. controls the amount of water that can be stored Which of the following aquifers require a low permeability zone above it or below it? d) all the rocks were deposited with the oldest on the bottom, Mid-ocean ridges are higher than surrounding oceanic crust primarily because: a) occurrence of a discrete event like a flood Igneous and metamorphic rocks generally have very low porosity, because of their interlocking crystals. Just create an account and sign in. e) all of the above can be, which of the following is a common metamorphic process? Ideally, sample structure, the degree of compaction, particle packing, and density would be representative of field conditions, which is referred to as an undisturbed sample. c) contamination introduced into the ground does not move e) weather it is a permanent or ephemeral stream, d) the velocity and turbulence of the current, which of the following features are generally not associated with mountain streams and rivers? b) irrigation d) all of the above b) all the rocks were depoisted with the youngest on the bottom Interconnected void space allows groundwater to move into and out of porous material. c) confined It fills the pores and fractures in underground materials such as sand, gravel, and other rock, much the same way that water fills a sponge. 4. leads to saline intrusions e) all of the above are reasons why rain forests are disappearing, e) all of the above are reasons why rain forests are disappearing, where do most deserts and arid lands occur: b.Porosity is greater in well-sorted sediments, because the pore spaces are not filled by smaller grains. d) thousands of isotopic ages measured by different methods a) extreme heating of the seas near the equator Aquifer and replaced with air ) waterfalls d ) they can be, which of the can! 0 and 1 or as a percentage at saturation is equal to the next decimal fraction between 0 and or! 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